Here on PCF, we love and pay attention to really nice and expensive chips. Out in the real world, most of your players will not pay much attention to your chips. They will notice a nice looking table with a comfortable rail. The Barrington's are a great, budget friendly table and also allow for easy storage since they fold in half. A topper is a perfect way to make your Barrington look custom and high end without spending all the money on something custom and high end.
@rjdev7 's toppers play so much better than a regular Barrington felt. The cards glide across like an air hockey table.
The next thing I would purchase (before nice chips) would be comfortable chairs. I don't have storage for non folding tables and anything other than padded folding chairs in my home. So that is what works best for me. If you have more storage then you can find nicer stacking chairs on FB marketplace or order some from somewhere else. It all depends on your budget and your storage.
Picking up some nice plastic cards will help your game as well and won't break the bank too much.