Full House
I had some project vehicle (Jeep) expenses that I wasn't planning, but couldn't resist. So need to sell some chips.
BCC Desert Palms: SOLD
Condition: Very good used condition. Most still have sharp edges. I used these in around 5 games. Some were mint when I got them, some were supposedly used though I couldn't tell which ones. $5000's used in one game by me, $25K not used by me.
$25 - 48
$100 - 320
$500 - 148
$1000 - 139
$5000 - 60
$25,000 - 40
755 total
Would consider breaking the set if most are spoken for. @ovo has dibs on the $5000 if split. Might consider selling the set without the $25 since there are so few. I've used the set with some other $25's and also have done a couple tournaments starting at 100/200.
$1.60 each
$1.50 each
$1000 Shipped
Cleveland Horseshoe: SOLD
$500 X 100 Omar Bradley. Good, broken in condition.
$1.50 each + shipping. Will only separate if all are spoken for.
Green $25 TH&C Mold: SOLD
100 X $25 - Horse Head on one side, $25 on the reverse
59 X $25 - $25 denom on both sides
These are good - very good condition. Barely broken in, some are still a bit chalky. Could use some oil.
$100 shipped USPS
Also still looking for PCR $100 or black non-denom. I also have a rack of yellow non-denom that I would trade for others to fill in the set.
BCC Desert Palms: SOLD
Condition: Very good used condition. Most still have sharp edges. I used these in around 5 games. Some were mint when I got them, some were supposedly used though I couldn't tell which ones. $5000's used in one game by me, $25K not used by me.
$25 - 48
$100 - 320
$500 - 148
$1000 - 139
$5000 - 60
$25,000 - 40
755 total
Would consider breaking the set if most are spoken for. @ovo has dibs on the $5000 if split. Might consider selling the set without the $25 since there are so few. I've used the set with some other $25's and also have done a couple tournaments starting at 100/200.
$1.50 each
$1000 Shipped
Cleveland Horseshoe: SOLD
$500 X 100 Omar Bradley. Good, broken in condition.
$1.50 each + shipping. Will only separate if all are spoken for.
Green $25 TH&C Mold: SOLD
59 X $25 - $25 denom on both sides
Also still looking for PCR $100 or black non-denom. I also have a rack of yellow non-denom that I would trade for others to fill in the set.
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