Wanted BCC Grand Cardroom or Flame Mold (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Jan 17, 2015
Reaction score
Riverside, CA
I'm looking for more BCC Grand Cardroom to go with the set I'm trying to build.


T25 - 160+ Will pay $1.50 / chip for solids
T100 - 160+ Will pay $1.50 / chip for solids, $3 or more for spotted
T500 - 80+ Will pay $2 / chip for solids, more for the ones I have. VERY interested in barrels of what I already have below
T1000 - 20+ Will pay $3 / chip. Prefer the ones that match my pic, but let me know if you have other spotted T1000
T5000 - 20+ Will pay $3 / chip for spotted only

I have a rack of each of the chips in the pic. Might be interested in trades, even for other clay sets. Looking to trade the spotted T25. Would trade it for 160 of the solid T25's or T100. If I had a rack of spotted $100's, I would have a playable set.

I also have 250 solid white and red blanks.

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Love these chips, like a lot. Very hard to find and very coveted. GL with your search. My guess is all denominations will be in the $2.75-$4/chip range
There’s only 300 of the arc yellow spotted $500 made. I know because they were mine. I was wondering were they went next.

I ended up with a rack of the 500, though 40 are warped. So I consider it more like 60.

Were there many spotted 100's made? I figure that's going to be the hardest chips to find.
I have some BCC CDI on the way. So mostly looking for barrels or more of:

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