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May 8, 2016
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
7   0   0
Hello , i don't play tournament so i don't have enough use for this set :
BCC grand cardroom set , chips are near mint

- 110 chips : 25
- 130 cips : 100
- 70 chips : 500
- 120 chips : 1000
- 16 chips : 5000
+ dealer button grand cardroom

price : 400 Euros + shipping


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All of my tournaments are single table these days. If anyone wants to split this with me I would be up for it.
Am I seeing correctly in the pics that some of the T1k chips are a different diameter than the others? If so, how many of the smaller and how many of the larger diameter?
All the chips are the same diameter

I apologize if I'm drawing attention to something that only I see, but when I look at the pics in the racks in the OP, the chips look similar to some I received from BCC way back when. Within the same order, I received very slightly different diameter chips and this is what they look like when mixed together in racks.

If not a different diameter chip, is the appearance in the photo an effect of the racks used here? None of the other chips pictured have the appearance of the T1ks.

It s china's rack so maybe it s an effect of the racks but maybe There is a slightly différence as u say. When i look at them i don t see big difference but maybe u re right i m not an expert as you
It s china's rack so maybe it s an effect of the racks but maybe There is a slightly différence as u say. When i look at them i don t see big difference but maybe u re right i m not an expert as you

Pull them out of the racks abs stack them up. Even a slight different in size would kill it for me
If these are here Sunday and I make a decent profit on Saturday night I'll probably buy these

I call first dibs when you sell them. I can't afford them now but they are on my list of things to buy at some point!

Beautiful set and GLWS!
I've had my PCNY chips for two whole months lol.

I'm also on a gambling downswing. Winning Saturday night is gong to be a challenge
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