For Sale BCC Martini Club (1 Viewer)

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Feb 17, 2015
Reaction score
SF Bay Area, California
Rating - 100%
57   0   0
I never thought I'd sell these but it is time to give someone else the chance to love these awesome chips.
The colors are amazing and they are virtually new. The only knock is that some of the inlays are warped which was typical for BCC.
The mold is my personal favorite and rare 4 suits mold.

I've worked a long time to get this set to where it is and now you can continue the hunt (it's half the fun isn't it?)

$725 PP FF shipped to US only please.
Will split if all are spoken for but shipping will be extra.

25¢ x99
$1 x139
$5 x131
$100 x53
$500 x58

@liftapint has dibs on the lower cash denoms from the other site if someone would like to claim the $100 and $500.

How hard would it be to find $25s for this set? If the $500s were $25s, I think they would have sold long ago.
How hard would it be to find $25s for this set? If the $500s were $25s, I think they would have sold long ago.
I only have one $25 as part of my sample set. This is a quest set for sure. It’s not easy to find these.

I have a theory about sets like this that were sold at some of the usual channels back in the day. I suspect many casual players bought the majority of chips like these for their games when poker was more popular. Most of those buyers weren’t chip geeks and just have these stuffed in a closet somewhere. Every blue moon someone looks them up on eBay and sells but I don’t think there are many circulating in our circle.
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