SOLD BCC - Turf Club - Cash Set (1 Viewer)

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Jul 14, 2015
Reaction score
San Jose, CA
Rating - 100%
21   0   0
Hey All,

Putting this set up for sale, as my guys don't like the feel of these BCCs.
Looking for $300 for the whole set.

Breakdown is as follows:
Denominations - Amount
$ 0.25 - 170
$ 1.00 - 210 (I think i have three extra, but thats a bonus)
$ 5.00 - 50
$ 25.00 - 55

They were used once by me not sure how many times before that, but i would say they are in great condition, and will stand on end, NO PROBLEM!

Breakdown is not perfect, but workable.

Racks are not included. Price includes USPS shipping in the CONUS.
U.S. buyers only. Payment via Paypal (friends/family or you pay fees).
PM me if you are interested or have any questions.

Thanks for looking!






Great price for a viable BCC set in great condition.

BCC chips can be pretty sharp to the touch when new-ish like this, and I can understand why some players wouldn't care for that feel. Once they get broken in, though...yummy!
Great price for a viable BCC set in great condition.

BCC chips can be pretty sharp to the touch when new-ish like this, and I can understand why some players wouldn't care for that feel. Once they get broken in, though...yummy!

Yup, you hit the nail on the head. The guys kept saying the sharp edges were uncomfortable. Oh well, thats why we have multiple sets i guess. :coffee:
Luckily the name isn't Tuff Club as these wouldn't be appropriate for your crew either ;)
I offer a break in service.. just ship me the set.. I use it for a couple of years then ship it back (y) :thumbsup::p

oh and GLWS.. very nice chips!
I love the look of these. Very tempted to pick these up... Just trying to decide if I can get over my partial rack syndrome or not

Yup, im right there with you. If there were available chips to fill out the racks, i would have. But alas, as with every home line chips, these are hard to come by.
Yup, im right there with you. If there were available chips to fill out the racks, i would have. But alas, as with every home line chips, these are hard to come by.

I'm going to ponder this tonight and if they aren't sold by tomorrow morning I'll probably be forced to work on my partial rack syndrome and pick these up lol
The con of sharp edges I think of is they don't shuffle well.
Though I could see them being uncomfortable if you were walking around with them in your underwear.. :eek:
I'm struggling to understand why no one's bought these yet. This is a snap buy for me if I lived in USA. Don't get it. $300 for almost 5 racks of inlaid BCCs in VGC. Cheese, please just buy them so I don't have to start organising a re-ship.
I'm struggling to understand why no one's bought these yet. This is a snap buy for me if I lived in USA. Don't get it. $300 for almost 5 racks of inlaid BCCs in VGC. Cheese, please just buy them so I don't have to start organising a re-ship.

If you want them, ill ship them overseas, just know that once i drop it off at the post office, all responsibility shifts to you.
Also, ill cover up to the original CONUS MFRB shipping of $14, you will have to cover the difference.

I shipped a MFRB to France, and it made it to France at least. Just waiting for the shippee to finally received it and let me know how everything looked on his end.
Well, having never had an issue with any of the millions of Apache chipments, I am never too worried about intl. shipping as long as there's a tracking number. Part of living in Tasmania, I guess hehe. Please grab me a price for shipping? Cheers.
Stuff it, I'll claim these before someone else does. Sold.

I just hope shipping price is OK (y) :thumbsup:

Imperfect breakdown for others happens to work perfectly for my 8 man 25c/25c PLH game. 16x quarters each is perfect and a couple of racks of $1s is great for a 16x.25 + 11x$1 and 1x$5 starting stack of $20.

I think I can get away with full rack OCD by just racking up 160 quarters, 200 $1s and 50 of each $5s and $25s. The rest shall be hidden away in "spares boxes" and having just 3 barrels of quarters stacked on top will be OK... I think :confused:
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