Full House
Hosting our weekly 1/2 cash game tonight. I've been blessed (or cursed) with nice chips. Some custom ASM and stock BCC.
Cost factors aside, which set should see action tonight?
ASM E&C Peddlers Roost
ASM Plain Haymaker's Fight Club
ASM E&C Fly By Night
ASM Amold Alamo Casino
ASM/CPC Hmold Key West Casino
BCC MGK Longhorn Poker
BCC Flame Monterey Club
BCC Flame Casino de Isthmus*
*Not much love by chip geeks for the BCC Isthmus for a variety of factors but these ore the last batch BCC made and made with new heavy weight formulary and wait for it....round inlays. In a blind test, my daughter can pick these out every time as her favorite.
Cost factors aside, which set should see action tonight?
ASM E&C Peddlers Roost
ASM Plain Haymaker's Fight Club
ASM E&C Fly By Night
ASM Amold Alamo Casino
ASM/CPC Hmold Key West Casino
BCC MGK Longhorn Poker
BCC Flame Monterey Club
BCC Flame Casino de Isthmus*
*Not much love by chip geeks for the BCC Isthmus for a variety of factors but these ore the last batch BCC made and made with new heavy weight formulary and wait for it....round inlays. In a blind test, my daughter can pick these out every time as her favorite.