Wise gambler offers a system that requires a 1000 unit betting bank roll. Use four bets to give yourself a profitable time @ the casino. If you look back from the future with a vantage point, with regards to the present and the knowledge you would have gained/bought today, your hind site would be 20/20 giving you better than 104.1% return on your money- Glory Be to God in the Highest.
^^ This!I don't even understand whats its all about.
Basically advertising a form of a financial product without a license.
LolllllYou have definitely identified the primary problem with this auction.
It's nice to see he posted his entire address and information in the 1 photo too........
Simple. You pay a degen lots of money so he can get his bankroll back after he got cleaned out playing craps.I don't even understand whats its all about.
Why are there only 2 available and if I buy both, will my profit be 8.2%?
Basically advertising a form of a financial product without a license.