Berzerk Island CPC/Matsui Fantasy Sets (1 Viewer)


Jan 28, 2016
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So for many years I thought about creating a CPC set that could handle a 5 table location at almost every stakes. Is this going to happen? No. Am I having crazy fun doing mockups yes. For simplicity Icelandic Króna is 1 us cent (close enough for this)

So first we need to established what this set would be used for. There are 4 groups this set would be used for.

  • First group is a micro stakes group, they currently play 20/40 with 2000kr buy in and two rebuys available per person. 50bb short stacks are not ideal in my opinion as these guys are loose with a lot of limpers so often 4-5 guys see the flop. I would recommend setting the stakes to 10/20
  • Second group is the main group playing 25/50 easy to get three tables running in this range.
  • Third group plays 50/100 and the fourth group 100/200
  • Bonus is that 100/200 is the most played stakes in Iceland but some private groups like to play 500/1000 and rent places to do so.
  • We want to be able to host 100/200 200/400 limit also
Now a smart person would say to design some No value chips and use that for the lower denoms. Im not smart so we are not going to do that! We are going to create a 9 chip set! With the following theme

  • The set is a viking theme set called Berzerk Island
  • Each chip has a name fitting with the theme
  • All stakes should be playable with a three chip combo (trio) with an option banking chip
  • Each Trio should have spot progression
  • Inlays are just placeholders

So first of is the 10/20 game called Meat and Mead
10kr Chip is called Water, water is the beginning of everything, the sea is the path to adventures and rain starts life. Blue ofcourse
50kr Chip is called Mead, Mead, Mjöður or Beer is fun and very popular with vikings! Water leads to Mead is a nice touch also. Orange is fitting and the workhorse in this stake
250kr Chips is called Feast, with fun and Mead you have a festival! Its all fun and games at this stakes. Pink is the color of festivals!
BERZERK ISLAND 10 20 2.png

Now we go up to 25/50kr game called Hope for glory
25kr chip is called Land, green for the earth and land and a good foundation color
100kr chip is called Hope, Hope can be a beautiful thing but also a dangerous one. White chip.
500kr chip is called Blood, at this stakes 500kr is a lot so it will make your blood boil if you lose one,
BERZERK 25 50.png

Then it is the 50/100kr game called Feast of death

Here we use the 50kr Mead and 250kr Feast chips but a new chip also enters and one of my favorite 2000kr Death

The thought of the set was to aim to skip 1000kr chips as I have always disliked having both 500kr and 1000kr in cash games. Similar to US 5$ and 10$ on the same table. The death chip was always going to be black and black chips are some of my favorite chips. I could have made the black chip more value but then It would not as often hit the table so here it is. It is scary at this stakes were the Feast will grow to have few death when the games get deeper.

BERZERK 50 100.png

In the same colors we have the Limit set Drowning in Mead,
Some would say the perfect death but limit is sometime death by thousand small cuts. With the orange being 50kr and black 2000kr this set could run most limit games I would possible host.


Then we have the main game in Iceland 100/200kr called Blood Money.
Now we are the level that Hope 100kr is not enough and to get progress you need to get your hands dirty! Blood 500kr is the workhorse here unless the game gets quite deep then Death 2000kr takes over. Also we needed a banking chip as the 100/200kr games in Iceland often get really deep. so
10.000kr Wealth, This chip is a glory chip, gold for gold.
BERZERK ISLAND 100 200.png

Last but not least is the 500/1000 game called Valhalla.

Mix it all together, Blood, Death and Wealth you get Valhalla 50.000kr the purple royality that everybody dreams of.
Berzerk Island Valhalla.png

And all together this is the set, feedback and ideas are much welcome but remember this is just for fun!


  • BERZERK 50 100 B.png
    BERZERK 50 100 B.png
    251.6 KB · Views: 104
As this is of course pure fictional we would still always need two tournament sets. As with before all feedback on colors are welcome and most wanted.

First we need a standard tournament set used for most tournaments, rebuys tournaments and so. For that I would go Matusi, six values and call the set
Berzerk Battle Tournament

So here is my first color mock up, some options would be to B/B in the middle instead of a standard B or have more custom chips where it either 4x BBT in the chip and have the value on the sticker. Or have Berzerk Battle - Tournament in the chip and value on the sticker. Both options might be nice.


Then for the main event set a little more thought was put into it. My favorite tournament format is a slow starting sec chance structure that allows for a fun game in the beginning, fast paced in the middle and some skill at the end. Perfect for a meetup.
14:00 tournament start at 25/50
16:00 Break and late reg ends
19:00 Sec chance ends and Dinner time
20:00 - 24:00 tournament ends.

I really like the slow start for trading blows that hurt but not to much, if have one re entry if things go bad but mostly this is a very important strategy part for me. Getting to know your table and getting info and importantly have fun. Trading blows is very common in vikings battle also where you start the fight you often hit the shield of other vikings to scare them or show strength. This is similar thought, in both scenarios all is fun and games until your shield breaks!

Hence the main event chips set would be called Broken Shields, is must warn spot purists that what I´m about to show you might hurt you! But I have created a tri moon spot set where one spot is different color to focus on the broken shield theme.
So went back to the drawing board with the CPC chips the aim was to create misc chips for various uses.

First of all I took out the 250kr chip and the 50.000kr chip.

250kr chips is my dream pink chip but it is going to be a hassle if we would run multiple cash tables as players moving from 10/20kr table to 25/50kr table could not just chip up and move as I was thinking about having
10/20kr using 10kr 50kr and 250kr chips
25/50kr using 25kr 100kr and 500kr chips

After these changes the 10/20kr game would use 500kr for banking chips and make table change easier.
Starting stack in the 10/20kr for a 2500kr buy would then be

With a 2500kr rebuy looking like 20x50 and 3x500

The 50.000 Valhalla chip would never see play and I would rather have more of 10.000kr chips on the table

New look is only seven chips but that is just the start 10-25-50-100-500-2000-10000
I also reworked the Broken Shield set and Im still not sure about what colors to use, canary is in both sets and I will need to fix that.
Berzerk Cash set.png
Broken Shields.png

So for misc chips I wanted to create a hierarchy structure, where members can level up and have a status chip as a chip guard. (Only holding one chip at a time)
Also using the members ranks as invite structure where there are limited seats so a Jarl for example would have priority at reserving seats over a newcomer.
Guests - No status
Newcomer (Trial member)- Has played three nights and is on the Invite list
Viking (Member)- Has played 10 nights and is a official member
Gladiator (Member) - Has a tournament Win
Berzerker (Member) - Has 5 positive cash games
Dual Wielder (Member) - Has both Berzerker and Gladiator
Jarl (Member) - 30 nights played, 10 positive cash games and 2 tournament wins)
Membership chips.png

One of the most fun stats I like to track are knockouts or as I call them Kills. I wanted to create a chip based on how deadly you are

Cutthroat- 30 kills
Murderer - 60 kills
Kingslayer - 160 kills

Smart eyes will see there in edgespot for each 10 kills, when you rank up you swap chips.

Kill chips.png

There has often been Winner chips and I think I represented them alright in the membership chips as you can´t level up with out some renown, but still we have a main event chip set that would host a main event 3 times a year.

White chip - Hero Main event winner

There is very often tournament achievement chips but as cash game is often easier to host and more played I wanted to create chips for remarkable success there as well.

Gray chip - Villain (three cash positive cash games in a row)
Purple chip - Royality ( cash out 100.000kr in a single cash night)
Hero, villain and royalty.png

This gives us five chips that are quite hard to get as it takes time and skill, thus giving us The Five Chips of Power
Jarl - Hero - Villain - Royality - Kingslayer

Five chips of power.png
As this is of course pure fictional we would still always need two tournament sets. As with before all feedback on colors are welcome and most wanted.

First we need a standard tournament set used for most tournaments, rebuys tournaments and so. For that I would go Matusi, six values and call the set
Berzerk Battle Tournament

So here is my first color mock up, some options would be to B/B in the middle instead of a standard B or have more custom chips where it either 4x BBT in the chip and have the value on the sticker. Or have Berzerk Battle - Tournament in the chip and value on the sticker. Both options might be nice.

View attachment 818878

Then for the main event set a little more thought was put into it. My favorite tournament format is a slow starting sec chance structure that allows for a fun game in the beginning, fast paced in the middle and some skill at the end. Perfect for a meetup.
14:00 tournament start at 25/50
16:00 Break and late reg ends
19:00 Sec chance ends and Dinner time
20:00 - 24:00 tournament ends.

I really like the slow start for trading blows that hurt but not to much, if have one re entry if things go bad but mostly this is a very important strategy part for me. Getting to know your table and getting info and importantly have fun. Trading blows is very common in vikings battle also where you start the fight you often hit the shield of other vikings to scare them or show strength. This is similar thought, in both scenarios all is fun and games until your shield breaks!

Hence the main event chips set would be called Broken Shields, is must warn spot purists that what I´m about to show you might hurt you! But I have created a tri moon spot set where one spot is different color to focus on the broken shield theme.
Do you use Matsui standard colours or ABS

If standard the orange looks brownisch so I were careful about this 1k colour combo.
Do you use Matsui standard colours or ABS

If standard the orange looks brownisch so I were careful about this 1k colour combo.
Yeah I would always get a color kit to see them in real life. I’m also thinking that I would rather use 43mm with custom text mold. Two sided sticker logo on one side and value on other
Stop encouraging me!! You guys just want samples! Color sets are on the way from Matsui just for the fun of it
Color matching inlay thoughts, I really like color matching inlays so I was just checking how it looked with a dirty photoshop
I'm not neccessarily a fan of the colour-matched inlays. It just makes your art look smaller, and your text harder to read (sometimes).
Interesting point that it makes the label smaller and now I can’t unsee it… might be worth to color match the icon in the middle (not sure I would have all ship) and the denom on the other side.

I really like when color matching is done right but it is really hard to get it right
So we are still playing around in the designer! I figured that I would always want to have red tables so no red chips.

Main set, 10-25-50-100-250-500-2000-5000-25000
10/20 game is 10-50-500
25/50 game is 25-100-500
50/100 game is 50-100-500-2000
100/200 game is 100-500-2000-5000
Limit set one - 50-2000
Limit set two - 250-5000

Main cash set the Broken shields, 25-100-500-1000-5000-25000-100000

Smaller tournament set 100-500-1000-5000 aka "Berzerk Boats"

One table tournament sett for Turbo sats 100-500-1000-5000 aka Berzerk Raid

Berzerk OFC aka Forrest Game 1 point and 20 point chip


  • BerzerkExtraChips.png
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