For Sale Big summer Sale : Various Paulson and BCC (2 Viewers)

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Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
France, Bayonne
Rating - 100%
26   0   0
Hi all ,

Trying to make siome cleaning in my collection and to reduce the heavy weight on my chips shelves.

Here we go for the chips available :

(y) :thumbsup: 146 gardens city fracs - Green - Casino used good condition 150 usd - SOLD

;) 80 Casino Caterers 5$ - Red - Near mint - 80 usd SOLD

:) 100 Par a dice roulette- Fushia - Near mint , 20 of them are a bit darker see pics - 100 usd

:whistle: :whistling: 100 Starbust - white - VGC - 100 usd

:p100 Starburst - grey - VGC - 100 usd

:ROFL: :ROFLMAO:100 Par a dice roulette - Chocolate - GC - 100 usd

:cool: 55 Par a dice roulette - Peach - VGC - 55 usd

:unsure: 20 Metallic Gold Fitz - 40 USD

To complete a set :

BCC Capital room : 175 usd- SOLD -

100$ - 65 chips - Near Mint
500$ - 65 chips - Near Mint

Complete Set

Aviation Club de France Hybrid - VGC to Near Mint - 400 USD -


T 25 - 100 chips
T 100 - 100 chips
T500 - 70 chips
T 1000 - 100 chips
T 5000 - 20 Chips
T 25 000 - 10 chips
1 Cutcard


BCC High Roller Set 20players T 50 000 Near Mint - 850 USD - SOLD

- 10 chips x 20$
- 160 chips x 25$
- 180 chips x 100$ (60 of them have a small planeity problem)
- 180 chips x 500$ (40 of them have a small planeity problem)
- 120 chips x 1000$
- 80 chips x 5000$
- 45 chips x 25000$
- 5 plaques de 100 000$
- 2 dealer buttons

Pictures to come
Paypal and shipment will be payed by the buyer.
Shipment offer for all purchase over 500 usd.
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I'm like to see photos of the Par-a-Dice chips, if you have any.
I also have a 600+ chip set if needed for the Melee'.

Cool. This set is the same as the one I already have, so it would be 800 here. With K9DRs, we should be good for a tourney!

I'm awfully partial to these, because I played at the ACdeF about a dozen times over the years -- pretty much every time I went to Paris or out to Brittany on business, and my wife wasn't along.
Got the Garden City chips today. Wow! Can't believe that it only took 5 days from France. Didn't think I'd have them in time for Saturday's game.

Much appreciated, feedback coming.
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