Found Blue spotted paulsons in fair/casino used conditions to be relabeled as HS fracs (1 Viewer)

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Chip Wanter

Sitting Out
Jan 29, 2019
Reaction score
I've seen some beautiful blue paulsons for sale recently, the problem is they are all in too good of condition for the rest of my set. My set gets pretty heavy use anyways, so I'd prefer some used paulsons over eye candy anyways.

Im looking for at least 1 rack and could buy more if I fall in love. I'd be buying gear labels, and am not looking for hotstamps.
Thanks, these might be a good option! Gonna see if anyone has any (in even more used condition) other old chips laying around somewhere.
Those look pretty much exactly like what I'm looking for. I'm a relative chip noob, what does house mold mean? Will they be very distinct from the horseshoes in feel?
Here they are next to a couple of RHC chips I had handy. Which I believe are the same as the horseshoes you have. You can see around the edge its molded to say 'Bellagio' instead of having a hat and cane mold

Thanks for the information, I appreciate it. I still feel like I'm just getting up to speed with a lot of this stuff.

What would be the price point for casino used Bellagios? If they're still active, I assume minimum $1/chip?

I'm also still considering hoosierdonnys chips, or these that are being sold as well:

Thanks again.

yes they are live, i'm pretty sure if you aren't in a hurry and are OK with slightly used you could get a rack of bellagio $1's for around cost plus shipping, these would probably match yours as far as wear. The Bellagio must cull their chips better than other casinos, because I don't think I have seen a chip totally beat to hell in least over the past 6ish years. IME the cage is pretty lax about giving them out and I haven't had to tip for them. Now if you want excellent shape then you may be talking a more money, either to tip a cashier to sort for somebody or for somebody to take their time to sort through racks to get that condition
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