SOLD Booyah Deal BCC CDI’s 740 chip set (15 Viewers)

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Someone on the zoom said “well we just saved $1200” LOL
I told that to my wife. And she’s like wtf, what did we save on. And then I said it might have been $1600, I don’t remember. And then you couldn’t hear her facial expression, but you can use your imagination.

( it was this :cautious:. Which to be fair she just got off a 12 hour flight after missing a connection in England)
This was fun and thanks for including me.

Congrats @Jeevansluck ! If you move on from them maybe we can do another spin with the other participants and share the set with next in line? lol
This is highly unlikely, given where I am with the hobby, as I am trying to host nowadays and I live with mostly regret for selling. I don’t sell these days.

I will promise to offer them back up in some similar fashion, if I do find I want to be rid of them. I deeply regret selling other BCCs I’ve owned, and I can’t see why I’d sell these. Chipping has its ebbs and flows, but I don’t have many cool chips these days. I lament past sales, trust me. These will be kept for good.
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