Buy ins and starting stacks (1 Viewer)


Two Pair
Nov 6, 2014
Reaction score
What are your buy ins and starting stacks for cash games you host or play in regularly?

I host a .25/.50 NLHE game with buy ins of $60 and 90% of the re-buys are $60.

Starting stack;

20x .25
30x $1
5x $5

Re-buys either all $5s or include a $25 just to get a couple on the table.
Primarily 25¢/50¢ NL/PL games
$100 max buy-in (average is $60)

First 5 players get 20 x 25¢ and the rest in $1s and $5s
The rest get buy-ins in $1s and $5s.
Re-buys are whatever I feel like handing out. Usually $5s and up.
Not sure why you would give more than a barrel of $1's?

I do
20 - .25
20 - $1
5 - $5 for a $50 buyin

This is for the first 16 players, then all rebuts are in $5's
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.25/.50 blinds

100 max buy in, rebuys 75% of the deep stack

My preferred starting stacks are

12 x 25
17 x 1
16 x 5

The first handful of rebuys are all in fives. After that the rebuys are in twenty fives.

On occasion we'll do a 1/1 game with a 140 max buy in

starting stacks

20 x 1
25 x 5

My games average 8-14 rebuys a session depending on which of the "gamblers" are in attendance.
Because I have them.

great answer.

However, that many quarters in my game would slow it down. Maybe it doesn't in your game. Our minimum first in the pot bet is usually 2 bucks. Quarters rarely see play outside of the blinds, or limped pots.

Occasionally someone will bet 1.75 or something (including me), but not often enough to put two racks of quarters on the tables.
great answer.

However, that many quarters in my game would slow it down. Maybe it doesn't in your game. Our minimum first in the pot bet is usually 2 bucks. Quarters rarely see play outside of the blinds, or limped pots.

Occasionally someone will bet 1.75 or something (including me), but not often enough to put two racks of quarters on the tables.

GoStumpy was talking about $1 chips, but I get your point about the quarters, it is really just easy and there is less making change for quarters.

If/when I do a .50/$1 game, it will be 12 x .25s to start.
The quarters definitely get in the way slightly when I have 2 racks on the table, couple big pots with 1.75 raises etc and one person has 4 stacks of quarters...

It really worked best playability wise when I did one rack of quarters and two racks of 1's.. then 5's, and we never went though more than 1 rack of 5's at .25/.50
Mine is .25/.25 Blinds, 40 to 100 Buy-in

12 - $ .25
12 - $1
13 - $5
1 - $20
For 100 buy in, then I remove the 20 and 4 5's for my players who buy in @ $60

We hardly make change and my re-buys are always in 20's (sometime I will get more 5's on the table)
For our .25/.50 game starting stacks are usually:

20x 25c
40x 1's
2-5x 5's

Buyin is $100 to $300 but most come in for $200

starting stacks for 10 players usually around this
10 x $1
28 x $5
2 x $25

Rebuys in $25 and a few $100 on the good nights

I have more whites/reds but I started using the greens to get more color on the table and is has been good thus far.
There are still enough chips and now we have color too.
For my home games, the allowed buy-ins are always from 100 to 200 BB.

For tournaments, I don't do re-buys. I don't like 'em.

Stacks vary, depending on the chip set in use. I find that for most games, having 100+ fracs, 200 $1s, and 300 $5s in play is plenty. If more bank than that is needed, we go to $20s or $25s.
$.50/1 game stacks are usually $50-150 buy in 8x$.50 16x$1 6/16x$5 then $25s as needed and for rebuys

Deep stack $1/1 ($2-800) is 20x$1 20x$5 4x$20 + x$20s as needed

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