SOLD Canceled Argosy set (1 Viewer)

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Oct 31, 2014
Reaction score
Upriver From DCS
Rating - 100%
24   0   0

Sharp edges!

$1 x 120
$5 x 240
$25 x 120
$100 x 100

$475, Free shipping to the US
Dibs. Sending PM.

EDIT: too slow! Good job btbmason.

I have some $5s and $25s already, adding the $1s and $100s would have been nice. Oh well, wants vs. needs and all that.
Very pretty chips. Head and shoulders above the recent Horseshoe RHC chips, imo.
Head and shoulders above the recent Horseshoe RHC chips, imo.
I agree. It's really a shame these are cancelled, b/c otherwise I might have been tempted to own a set at some point. They're one of the very few - if not the only - RHC sets around that I actually like as a whole and would consider owning.
I agree. It's really a shame these are cancelled, b/c otherwise I might have been tempted to own a set at some point. They're one of the very few - if not the only - RHC sets around that I actually like as a whole and would consider owning.

It's a blessing these things were cancelled so Gear can put a decent looking inlay on them ;)
These are fantastic chips. The stamp can be removed relatively easy. It takes time but acetone and an electric toothbrush made it a simple job. I've got pictures posted somewhere here on PFC for those interested and the price on this set is a steal.

Edit: acetone-free nail polish remover.
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These are fantastic chips. The stamp can be removed relatively easy. It takes time but acetone and an electric toothbrush made it a simple job. I've got pictures posted somewhere here on PFC for those interested and the price on this set is a steal.

I thought acetone destroyed Paulsons.. Haven't tried it myself, but from what others have said, non-acetone nail polish remover is the way to remove the stamps..
I thought acetone destroyed Paulsons.. Haven't tried it myself, but from what others have said, non-acetone nail polish remover is the way to remove the stamps..

Hold please......Yes i think I used the acetone free nail polish remover. Thanks for reminding me. I literally soaked them for at least 15 minutes in a bath of the acetone-free nail polish remover. When the stamps turned a silver color, they wiped off very easily. If they still had some gold coloring it took a little while longer with the tooth brush. Then a final rinse in water and air dry. That familiar Paulson smell (whatever that is) returned in no time. You could still see the indent of the stamp but overall stamp removing was very successful.

I thought acetone destroyed Paulsons.. Haven't tried it myself, but from what others have said, non-acetone nail polish remover is the way to remove the stamps..

Non-acetone nail polish remover worked for me on some old Paulson roulettes, though it took a little elbow grease with a regular toothbrush. The stamp was also directly on the clay of the chip though, in this case it's on top of the inlay.

I have a feeling the new owner should have no problem removing the stamp if he so chooses :)

Also I will end up with a set of these someday! Argosy Lawrenceburg was the first casino in the US that I played live poker in.
Just a note that using this method on the St. Jo fracs will also remove the underlying original hot-stamp on those chips. I suppose it's possible to brush it on sparingly and remove the cancellation stamp layer by layer and still retain the underlying stamp, but that would be a very long process and require some diligence.
dammit, snooze and lose, been looking for $100s for a while, and $500. Gear, if you wanna dump them, keep me in front of the line please & thank you.
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