SOLD Two racks left: Casablanca $100 chips, near mint (LCV brick red 818) (1 Viewer)

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4 of a Kind
Jul 10, 2015
Reaction score
Niskayuna, NY
Rating - 100%
50   0   0
I've several extra racks of Casablanca $100 chips for sale. They're the brick red 818 version, all LCV. They're also some of the heaviest Paulsons I own, over 11g each.

They've never been played with and are in near-mint condition. I would say mint, but they've been handled some and therefore not truly mint.

Asking $50/barrel plus actual shipping or $250/rack shipped (international pays the difference between actual shipping and what the free shipping would have been within the US).

Thanks for looking and please PM me with any questions.



Very nice chips. I can NOT start another Paulson set...CAN'T...
It's not a function of the mold, so much as it is the formula. Older Paulsons have high lead content, which provide greater mass. Newer Paulsons are unleaded.


Yes, that's what I figured -- LCV are older with more lead. The set I have is from the early 80's and seems heavy, but I've never weighed one.
Can you please come over to my house and just take pictures of EVERYTHING?

I found myself staring at your pictures for an absurdly inappropriate amount of time before I realized that 10 minutes of my life just disappeared.
It's not a function of the mold, so much as it is the formula. Older Paulsons have high lead content, which provide greater mass. Newer Paulsons are unleaded.


In addition I believe there are brass flakes in these (see the third picture). Combined with the old formula, I think that's how they're pushing over 11 grams.
Not brass. Aluminum. For security, not weight.
Not brass. Aluminum. For security, not weight.

Yeah, I can't say for certain, which is why I said I believe they are brass. Certainly the color suggests brass, but I suppose it could also be an anodized aluminum as well.

And I agree, it was primarily a security measure, not a way to increase density. That said, whether it's brass or aluminum, it would technically add weight to the chips as the density of both metals exceeds the density of the base clay (though the aluminum is a lot closer to the density of the clay as opposed brass which is about 3x more dense).
In for a barrel shipped to UK please.

Just checked USPS. Looks like shipping from the US to the UK via first class mail is $22.50(!) and priority mail is $33.95(!!!).

Does that sound right? I'll be happy to do it, I just didn't realize how expensive shipping would be for you.
Very nice chips. I can NOT start another Paulson set...CAN'T...
I'm having the same inner dialog. These wouldn't fit in with any of my sets. I've never even liked the Casablanca inlay. But brick red LCV $100's? I kinda feel like I need some.
Just checked USPS. Looks like shipping from the US to the UK via first class mail is $22.50(!) and priority mail is $33.95(!!!).

Does that sound right? I'll be happy to do it, I just didn't realize how expensive shipping would be for you.
Yea it's probably a bit steep for a single barrel, i'll give it a miss thanks.
Yea it's probably a bit steep for a single barrel, i'll give it a miss thanks.

Yeah, I wish there was a less expensive way to get them across the pond to you.

If anyone else has any suggestions on how to get things to the UK more reasonable, please feel free to post or send me a PM.

edit: For what it's worth, the $33.95 for the Priority shipping would cover up to a rack of chips (possible even a little more) shipped in a small flat rate box. So for shipping full racks, the price isn't horrible. It's just that there's no real break to ship just a barrel despite it weight a lot less.
Yea if i could afford a rack i would go for that but i can't atm with a holiday coming up.

Yeah, I totally wasn't trying to get you to buy a rack, only mentioned that in a more general context for shipping overseas.
Having visions of a mixed casino T25 based LCV tournament set.
Yeah, that would get expensive.
Finally got around to doing a headcount tonight.
  • 620 chips sold
  • 320 still available
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I have some of these, and love them. But I've never been able to come up with a mixed cash set into which they'd fit, with the standard size round labels, and the potential color conflict with red (or pink) $5s.

Is there an 818 (or 418 or 618) standard size round label $25 that works well with these in a tournament set?
Just received my two racks of bricks today. Very pleased with them all the way around.

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