Found Casino Cancun $5 (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Nov 9, 2014
Reaction score
Looking for 2 racks of Casino Cancun $5's for a re-label project. Don't have to be mint, but need to be in very good condition.

I'm also looking for a rack or so of blue RHC chips that can be re-labeled as frac's. I would also consider other base colors as long as they work with a white $1 and red $5.
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I've got a rack of Terrible's Fracs and a rack of Terrible's 25's. If you don't plan to run a green 25 you could use those as fracs. Fracs are 250 and the 25's are 200
I have one rack of Casino Cancun $5's and 2 racks of Casino Cancun $25's that could be relabeled as fracs if you don't mind a green frac.
I have two racks of fives. Would like to sell the other sized twenty fives with them
I believe I have the frac's for my set taken care of, just need $5's,some $20/25, and some $100's.

Would it be a bad idea to do a black $20 with the set? My game will never need $100's so I got to thinking that maybe what I need is just a rack of black $20's. The only problem there is the higher cost of black chips I suppose.
Frac's, $1's, and $5 now found for my re-label attempt. Thanks to all who have helped so far!

I'll take some time to do some research for my higher denoms, really leaning towards a black $20. I'll close this thread for now and maybe open an advice thread once I have some time.
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