It really is not a good set since you are getting 100 of each, which is why I was thinking it was better as an add on. Usually I have been able to add on for $1-$1.5/chip. I really don't need any more as I don't use the ones I have, but for making a good cash/tourney set I could use some more $25/$100/$500s. I think I have 300/250/150 and I have 150 $1000, so the extra starting and mid level would help, but I think I already have 400/500 $1 and $5, so those would not help much. In the end, I cannot justify the $1k for more chips to collect dust. If it was $750, might be able to justify it.
Not saying they are bad chips or anything, or terrible price, just more pricey than I would spend at over $2/chip.
Of course, if someone wants to buy mine, they are more expensive than that, $4/chip and you have to buy them all.