Casino Royale Kill / No Kill Button! (GB Interest Thread) (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Jan 31, 2016
Reaction score
Central MA
There has been a lot of good discussion over the past few weeks regarding the use of a kill (or half kill) in a fixed-limit game. But the options for a stock Kill / No Kill button (which is critical in a kill game) seem to be limited.

Then I remembered this amazing Casino Royale button from @Phantom. I reached out to him and he is graciously giving us permission to use the artwork he owns for the purposes of this kill button.

Although it doesn't specifically say Kill or No Kill, I think the imagery speaks for itself. The side with the scope/target would represent the No Kill and the side with the bullet holes and shattered glass would represent the Kill.

I haven't gone as far as to confirm pricing, but we would likely purchase the 60mm button from OWPS, so based on prior group buys, I think we'd be looking at $4-$5 per button + $1 artwork fee per button + shipping costs. However, this is to be confirmed/finalized once we gauge interest (I'll start a separate thread if we get to purchasing).

Please post in this thread if you're interested, including the quantity and I'll keep track in the OP. The interest thread will close in 1 week (2/12).

And if anyone would like to volunteer to assist in handling payment and/or re-shipping, it would be appreciated.

Picture courteous of @Phantom

Casino Royale Button.JPG

Those interested:

@churlbut18 x 2
I've reached out to Sal at OWPS regarding minimums and pricing. I'll post another update once he confirms. I think minimums are low so I'd still like to proceed in the next few days.

Edit: I temporarily forgot about the artwork fee so we might need to hold off until there are more that are interested
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