Wanted Chip Case, Storage options, trays (1 Viewer)

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Jan 6, 2019
Reaction score
Santa Ana, California
Hey everyone here in Chipland,

Newbie here starting a chip collection. Seeing if anyone has any storage solutions for someone that has none (or suggestions). Right now the chips that i have are in ziplock bags by denomination in a cardboard box. lol. I know im probably committing a mortal sin and going to chip hell.

I'll buy trays and also chip cases (aluminum, wood, plastic, burlap - all good)... right now i currently have 400 ceramics, 500 chinas and 100 paulsons... (hoping to turn some of those Ceramics and CC's to more paulsons). Not worried about the size of cases at the moment. probably need more than one anyways.

thanks guys
Bird cages are nice because they let you see your chips and make it feel more like a real casino. They hold 600, 800, or 1000 chips depending on height, but generally have the same 2-rack footprint. 1000 is nice for home, 600 is a little easier to travel with. If you are traveling a lot, or with airplanes, then look at other options that close more securely.

Matsui covered racks are another stackable, viewable option, hold 39mm standard & 43mm oversized chips and can fit inside a birdcage too.

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