This might seem like it is a bit overboard, but everything he says in the post above is wisdom coming from someone who has "been there, done that." Maybe tone down the level of intensity just a bit, but all great advice.
There is A LOT if info here to absorb. In today's world everyone wants instant gratification with everything so most new guys come on here and want to spend a few minutes and find out how they can buy a Casino grade set of chips for like maybe $200 and have them for their game this Friday night. No one is going to get what everyone wants because it is not realistic or even possible. For example, just about everyone here would love a playable set of chips from one of the classic Las Vegas Casinos like the Dunes, Horseshoe, idk Sands whatever and we would all love to acquire that set for $1/chip. Once reality sets in and you realize that to make a set like that you are going to have to spend thousands, maybe even 10's of thousands, compromise has to happen. You either have to "Cowboys up" or settle for something else.
Makes a lot of suggestions that are all very practical. Basically spend a bunch of time and as little money as possible learning and figuring out what compromises you can live with.
There is actually a lot of truth in this as well. For those with somewhat deeper pockets this advice might be more practical.