Straight Flush
How many people here would be interested in a searchable chip description database? I often find myself looking for particular colors, molds, inlay colors, denom colors, specific edge spot patterns, etc. especially when trying to piece together mixed sets.
A few examples are for my THC mixed set where I was looking for a red THC $5 in mint condition with blue edge spots (@kmccormick100 came through bigtime for that one! thanks again!). I also was trying to track down a white THC $100 with blue edge spots and shaped inlays (of which there are exactly 1 that I know of... thanks @BGinGA and @AWenger for helping me find those!).
Here is the result of those searches...
Now, I find myself trying to track down some light blue THC chips with 314 or 3DS14 edge spots and have had a pretty difficult time finding what I'm looking for... so far. I'll get there eventually.
Anyhow, it sure would be nice if there was a searchable database with pics that allowed us to filter by base color, edge spot colors, edge spot patterns, manufacturer, mold, primary vs secondary, inlay shape, inlay color, denom color, inlay size, etc. The Chip Guide is more than halfway there in terms of the data (they already have the pics and molds) but it lacks descriptive information and filtering options. It would be a pretty overwhelming task to try and do it for all the chips in the Chip Guide obviously, but it's certainly feasible for us to come up with a database that has all of this information at least for the chips that are somewhat obtainable in quantity and that are in at least one chipper's collection. It could be a shared file that multiple chippers contribute to that I could probably host for free on my web server - so long as it doesn't generate too much traffic. Another option would be to convince whoever maintains the Chip Guide to add this in to their site, but judging by the archaic user interfaces and design layouts that community is accustomed to, I don't see this happening anytime soon. However, if we were to create the dataset and provide it to them, perhaps they might implement it? A man can dream, right?
What are your thoughts? Good idea? Bad idea? Willing to help with the project?
A few examples are for my THC mixed set where I was looking for a red THC $5 in mint condition with blue edge spots (@kmccormick100 came through bigtime for that one! thanks again!). I also was trying to track down a white THC $100 with blue edge spots and shaped inlays (of which there are exactly 1 that I know of... thanks @BGinGA and @AWenger for helping me find those!).
Here is the result of those searches...
Now, I find myself trying to track down some light blue THC chips with 314 or 3DS14 edge spots and have had a pretty difficult time finding what I'm looking for... so far. I'll get there eventually.
Anyhow, it sure would be nice if there was a searchable database with pics that allowed us to filter by base color, edge spot colors, edge spot patterns, manufacturer, mold, primary vs secondary, inlay shape, inlay color, denom color, inlay size, etc. The Chip Guide is more than halfway there in terms of the data (they already have the pics and molds) but it lacks descriptive information and filtering options. It would be a pretty overwhelming task to try and do it for all the chips in the Chip Guide obviously, but it's certainly feasible for us to come up with a database that has all of this information at least for the chips that are somewhat obtainable in quantity and that are in at least one chipper's collection. It could be a shared file that multiple chippers contribute to that I could probably host for free on my web server - so long as it doesn't generate too much traffic. Another option would be to convince whoever maintains the Chip Guide to add this in to their site, but judging by the archaic user interfaces and design layouts that community is accustomed to, I don't see this happening anytime soon. However, if we were to create the dataset and provide it to them, perhaps they might implement it? A man can dream, right?
What are your thoughts? Good idea? Bad idea? Willing to help with the project?