Chip ID and B Mold Question (1 Viewer)


Straight Flush
Jan 11, 2016
Reaction score
Concord, CA
Anybody recongize these hotstamped chips? They were in a lot with some other WA casinos (Kenmore lanes and Eddie's Diner) so I'm guessing they're from somewhere in that area?

I also didn't realize there were two different sized "B" B-molds available. Was one an older mold updated? Anyone know which CPC currently uses?
Saw the information below at:

Seems the bottom paragraph " updates" the older mold info above it..

"B-DIAMOND (a/k/a DIAMOND-B) -- "B" and 4 diamonds, repeated four times. This mold seems to have been used mostly in the northwestrn United States. It is now sold by Seattle Restaurant Store Co. (a cookware store!), Seattle WA, which opened in 1933 as Tavern Supply Co./Bar Mart........Luke Rapley sent me a variation of this chip, which came in a box saying Tavern Supply Co., Seattle, Wash To see it, click here. ...........I have the chip pictured on the left for sale. They are in nice shape except for the worn hot-stamp image. One side has "$1.00." and the reverse says "5050." ...
. As of October 2015, the mold is still being produced in Maine at Classic Poker Chips company, a company that took over from Atlantic Standard Molding in 2013-2014. All their molds can be seen here. The mold is licensed for use in Nevada as of 2014 onwards..."
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I'm waiting for the C-mold to become available.

Well, I guess it has to be created first. :(
No clue. I've never even seen the one on the right in the wild.

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