Hello, I have a great problem for a chipper, to much storage space. I am going to see if I can get a good trade for the chest if not then move it to an auction.
I'm looking for a decent set of chips, not looking for any cc type sets. I have no idea what shipping will be but it wont be cheap for sure.
Offer what you feel like I wont be offended if you don't mind if I pass.
First the bad. The wood is split on the sides but the chest is stil very stout
Now for the good
I'm looking for a decent set of chips, not looking for any cc type sets. I have no idea what shipping will be but it wont be cheap for sure.
Offer what you feel like I wont be offended if you don't mind if I pass.
First the bad. The wood is split on the sides but the chest is stil very stout
Now for the good