Full House
15.04.2017, Göttingen, Germany:
Today at approximately 16:00 GMT, a chipalanche struck in the German state of Lower Saxony, near the city of Göttingen. Although the cause of the chipalanche was not immediately known, it is suspected that the weight of several thousand chips caused the collapse of a shelving system. Chips were immediately airlifted to safety, fortunately without loss of chips, although a few minor injuries were reported. Major loss of chips was avoided by the fortuitous presence of an unopened package of Gear labels, which cushioned the chips and prevented many from coming into violent contact with a brick wall.
Pr0n of the immediate aftermath of the event was unavailable due to the urgency of the chip evacuation, however later photos revealed the poor infrastructure that led to the disaster.

Lessons learned:
- chips are safest in chip boxes
- buy some decent shelves

Today at approximately 16:00 GMT, a chipalanche struck in the German state of Lower Saxony, near the city of Göttingen. Although the cause of the chipalanche was not immediately known, it is suspected that the weight of several thousand chips caused the collapse of a shelving system. Chips were immediately airlifted to safety, fortunately without loss of chips, although a few minor injuries were reported. Major loss of chips was avoided by the fortuitous presence of an unopened package of Gear labels, which cushioned the chips and prevented many from coming into violent contact with a brick wall.
Pr0n of the immediate aftermath of the event was unavailable due to the urgency of the chip evacuation, however later photos revealed the poor infrastructure that led to the disaster.

Lessons learned:
- chips are safest in chip boxes
- buy some decent shelves

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