CLE vs Cinci Primary Sets (2 Viewers)


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Dec 24, 2016
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I'm new here and looking to purchase my first Paulson set. With recent sales, the CLE and Cinci sets seem to be the obvious choices. I'm looking for a low denomination primary set (low cost Paulson options). I see mixed reviews on condition of the CLE's, and have also seen the discussion around THC vs RHC; which set do you feel is the best option? Is there a third option that might be better in the same price range? CLE's seemed to start cheaper, but if I buy a couple of Cinci's sets at IPO, prices seem comparable. I prefer the CLE graphic, but have frequented the Cinci casino, so I'm really indifferent; just looking for the best quality/deal. Thoughts?
Cinci has the advantage where the $1's mold with the RHC matches the rest of the set... that was kind of weird with Cleveland to have a THC thrown in there... but then again most people like the THC mold more...

Personally if I was just jumping in right now, absolutely get Cinci. They are beautiful chips, and even though I have a Cleveland set I will definitely be getting a basic Cinci cash set, probably his pre-made set for $399 (Saves ~$16 over buying individually).
Cinci has the advantage where the $1's mold with the RHC matches the rest of the set... that was kind of weird with Cleveland to have a THC thrown in there... but then again most people like the THC mold more...
I say the Cleveland's have the advantage BECAUSE because of the THC mold $1's. They're from the same casino set, so I say they match.
And I'd like to hear from the people who don't like the different molds in the same set - how upset are you that the $1,000, $5,000, and $25,000 are on a different mold? :)
I don't like the Cinci chips at all. The only serviceable chip is the 2.00 chip. I think the rest of them are "meh". Just my opinion obviously. I think the HS sets are way superior in color and edge spots .

Here are two playable sets ready to go.


and @joseywales

Not sure why you'd look at those when you can get a similar 500 cinci set for $399
I say if this is your first paulson set, you can't go wrong with either. You may be better off with Cleveland since the previous owner might have cleaned them already. Don't worry about the molds at this time.
Not sure why you'd look at those when you can get a similar 500 cinci set for $399

He asked opinions on both sets. I don't like the Cinci set so I wouldn't buy it for less money than what I could get one of the HS set's for. As stated I like the colors/edge spots better on the HS than the cinci sets.
He asked opinions on both sets. I don't like the Cinci set so I wouldn't buy it for less money than what I could get one of the HS set's for. As stated I like the colors/edge spots better on the HS than the cinci sets.

The $5's have decent edge spots on the Cinci set IMHO, it's grown on me, and I *love* the vibrant green on the $25's
The $5's have decent edge spots on the Cinci set IMHO, it's grown on me, and I *love* the vibrant green on the $25's

Wow, I never noticed the 3rd edge spot on the Cinci chip - that brown one blends in with the red, at first glance.
I guess I like that better than the Cleveland one, but not by a lot.
The Cleveland one dollar chip is one of my favorite ones. Why, don't really know. I just really dig it :) However, I didn't enjoy as much as my PNY set so it had to go
This may be a silly question, but considering I'd just be using it as my cash set, would I be better off saving the $$$ and buying a set of milanos or majestics? I know Paulson is king, but I've never had a set, so is the increased quality even in a used casino set worth spending double?
This may be a silly question, but considering I'd just be using it as my cash set, would I be better off saving the $$$ and buying a set of milanos or majestics? I know Paulson is king, but I've never had a set, so is the increased quality even in a used casino set worth spending double?

I say yes. However, this is something really only you can answer.
This may be a silly question, but considering I'd just be using it as my cash set, would I be better off saving the $$$ and buying a set of milanos or majestics? I know Paulson is king, but I've never had a set, so is the increased quality even in a used casino set worth spending double?

Absolutely yes.

*especially* at these prices.... under a dollar per chip for paulsons with the right denominations and breakdown? And in *decent* casino-used condition? No brainer.

These will be worth more than they cost now basically forever... the same cannot be said for the cheaper chips.
I say yes. However, this is something really only you can answer.

Yes he'd be better off saving money and buying china clays, or yes the increased quality is worth spending double? :)

I say drop the cash on the Paulsons. Getting them for ONLY double the cost of china clays isn't an opportunity that comes around very often; usually they cost at least 3 times as much as china clays. Paulson's tend to retain their resale value, at least moreso than china clays. And that's why you grab them now. They're unique and not always available. You can buy sleeves upon sleeves of milanos and majestics today, tomorrow, next week, and next year.
If you don't buy Paulson now you will wonder what is better and buy them later. Unless you want two sets - not a bad thing mind you - buy Paulson now.
Not sure why you'd look at those when you can get a similar 500 cinci set for $399
Mine is priced comparable, I have 531 chips for $480. Theirs is 500 chips for $400 once you slap shipping on there and if you minus the price for the 25k chip should be pretty close..
I like the Cincy set over the Cleveland set for low limits, but not by much. You also mentioned frequenting the Cincy casino, and right there I think that's enough cool/sentimental value to push it over the edge. The other players in the game may also appreciate this if you're still close in proximity to the casino as they may have played there too.

I'm not particularly thrilled with the Cleveland $5, but the 3rd brown edge spot on the Cincy $5 (as mentioned above) kind of just blends in and is blah. Overall I like the edgespots and progression better with the Cincy set (especially if you want to use the snappers as quarters) but the inlay on the $1 is not my favorite either. All RHC for Cincy is nice in terms of consistency, but people tend to like the THC mold better (Cleveland $1 and secondary $2.50.)

If you're going up to $100 though the primary Cleveland $100 is one of my favorite chips in that set. The Cincy $100 isn't bad either really.

Definitely go casino used Paulson over CC as mentioned above.

Sorry for the scatterbrained post. I've had this same internal struggle in my head for a while now as well and I still haven't made a decision. The obvious solution is both (plus more sets from other casinos, BUY ALL THE CHIPS!)
This may be a silly question, but considering I'd just be using it as my cash set, would I be better off saving the $$$ and buying a set of milanos or majestics? I know Paulson is king, but I've never had a set, so is the increased quality even in a used casino set worth spending double?

I don't think I will ever buy a set of China Clay chips again, and I have a huge set of them. They don't hold there value like Paulson's will and do.

But the main reason is how the CC chips wear. Several hosts in the area have them, and they are all flaking or chipping too much for my liking. I was thinking the one set was just from heavy use (2 times a month for 4 years or so). But I was recently at another friend's game that barely hosts and big chucks were coming off his Pharoh's! Along with all the tiny flaking and dust I have seen with Dunes set as well.
I don't think I will ever buy a set of China Clay chips again, and I have a huge set of them. They don't hold there value like Paulson's will and do.

But the main reason is how the CC chips wear. Several hosts in the area have them, and they are all flaking or chipping too much for my liking. I was thinking the one set was just from heavy use (2 times a month for 4 years or so). But I was recently at another friend's game that barely hosts and big chucks were coming off his Pharoh's! Along with all the tiny flaking and dust I have seen with Dunes set as well.
Say it ain't so!!!! I just received a dunes cc set a month ago. Just went and checked on them, crap!

The flaking issue with the CCs is an absolute deal breaker for me. Not everyone has the issue, but far too many do. Plus, the manufacturer has no interest in guaranteeing them, so from my viewpoint, you're pretty much buying chips that are guaranteed to be worthless as time goes on. But if you buy Paulsons, you can always get your money back later and might even make a few bucks if they go up in value (a good possibility).
I'm new here and looking to purchase my first Paulson set.
.... I'm looking for a low denomination primary set (low cost Paulson options).
.....have also seen the discussion around THC vs RHC; ....Is there a third option that might be better in the same price range?
....just looking for the best quality/deal. Thoughts?
I'm guessing that you are looking for $1, $5, and either $20 or $25 denominations, with maybe a fractional chip (25c or 50c) too. If so, if I were looking to buy a casino-used (budget) Paulson low-stakes cash set, I'd probably do it this way:
  • piece it together vs requiring all chips to be from one casino. Three big advantages: (1) it's likely to be cheaper this way, (2) it opens up my chip choices to include chips I really like vs those that just 'come with the set', and (3) the sheer volume of chips available to me is significantly increased (literally dozens of different live casino $1 chips are now a reasonable option)
  • stick with THC mold chips. Two advantages: (1) it's a superior mold for looks, sound, and feel (imo, ymmv), and (2) generally speaking, THC mold chips tend to wear better than RHC chips, so the chips available in similar price ranges will be in better condition.
That said, the first place I'd start looking would be chips from Aztar Casino Caruthersville MO (primary), President Casino Admiral (primary), Empress Casino (primary and some secondary), and some of the used $5 and $25 chips from Casablanca Casino Aruba. All four offer some great THC chip options, and with textured shaped inlays (real, not fake) as a bonus. Availability is pretty reasonable, and the cost is comparable to several of the more current RHC choices. If finding $1 chips is troublesome (it will definitely be the hardest of the three denominations), I'd simply fill out the set with a decent live casino THC chip that I liked for $1/chip, which can always be redeemed for face value if I later find something I like better (or is cheaper, but that's probably not gonna happen).

Not saying that this is what you should do, but it's certainly how I would approach it. Check out the individual chip denomination options on and pick some favorites, then search eBay and the PCF classifieds (including historical sales on both for pricing info), and post a WTB ad for what is still needed. You can also check out pr0n threads for set owners, and approach them via PM to see if they are interested in selling (some may be caught up in the latest/greatest craze and be ready to sell their older sets). That's one way you might find a complete set from one casino, but it's going to have the same drawbacks as any other casino set (you may not be thrilled with all of the chip designs).

Imo, the worst things you can do is (a) go for instant gratification without researching all of your options, and (b) settle for what is easily obtainable when it's not really what you want.

Good luck in your quest. Getting there is half the fun. :)
I don't think this was asked, what time of games are you planning on playing? How big of a bank do you need? What are your limits. 1/2 no limit holdem? 25c/50c nlhe?

2/4 mixed games? How many players? How many tables? All of this matters imo
I don't think this was asked, what time of games are you planning on playing? How big of a bank do you need? What are your limits. 1/2 no limit holdem? 25c/50c nlhe?

2/4 mixed games? How many players? How many tables? All of this matters imo

Mostly 1/2 NL hold'em ($200 buy in). May add some quarters later for .25/.50 .50/$1 later. I was thinking somewhere around 600 chips. 10-12 players (typically 8 or so but would like enough to bank for 12 anyway).
Mostly 1/2 NL hold'em ($200 buy in). May add some quarters later for .25/.50 .50/$1 later. I was thinking somewhere around 600 chips. 10-12 players (typically 8 or so but would like enough to bank for 12 anyway).
8 players at 200 is $1600. Needing to go to 12 buyins of $200 is $2400 at a bare minimum.

Personal opinion would be something like

120 $1s
380 $5s
80 $25s
20 $100s
Total bank: $4920 if my math is right.
8 players at 200 is $1600. Needing to go to 12 buyins of $200 is $2400 at a bare minimum.

Personal opinion would be something like

120 $1s
380 $5s
80 $25s
20 $100s
Total bank: $4920 if my math is right.

Great advice. Only thing I'd add is that if you're serious about adding a rack of quarters later, you should add another rack of $1's now.
I'm guessing that you are looking for $1, $5, and either $20 or $25 denominations, with maybe a fractional chip (25c or 50c) too. If so, if I were looking to buy a casino-used (budget) Paulson low-stakes cash set, I'd probably do it this way:
  • piece it together vs requiring all chips to be from one casino. Three big advantages: (1) it's likely to be cheaper this way, (2) it opens up my chip choices to include chips I really like vs those that just 'come with the set', and (3) the sheer volume of chips available to me is significantly increased (literally dozens of different live casino $1 chips are now a reasonable option)
  • stick with THC mold chips. Two advantages: (1) it's a superior mold for looks, sound, and feel (imo, ymmv), and (2) generally speaking, THC mold chips tend to wear better than RHC chips, so the chips available in similar price ranges will be in better condition.
That said, the first place I'd start looking would be chips from Aztar Casino Caruthersville MO (primary), President Casino Admiral (primary), Empress Casino (primary and some secondary), and some of the used $5 and $25 chips from Casablanca Casino Aruba. All four offer some great THC chip options, and with textured shaped inlays (real, not fake) as a bonus. Availability is pretty reasonable, and the cost is comparable to several of the more current RHC choices. If finding $1 chips is troublesome (it will definitely be the hardest of the three denominations), I'd simply fill out the set with a decent live casino THC chip that I liked for $1/chip, which can always be redeemed for face value if I later find something I like better (or is cheaper, but that's probably not gonna happen).

Not saying that this is what you should do, but it's certainly how I would approach it. Check out the individual chip denomination options on and pick some favorites, then search eBay and the PCF classifieds (including historical sales on both for pricing info), and post a WTB ad for what is still needed. You can also check out pr0n threads for set owners, and approach them via PM to see if they are interested in selling (some may be caught up in the latest/greatest craze and be ready to sell their older sets). That's one way you might find a complete set from one casino, but it's going to have the same drawbacks as any other casino set (you may not be thrilled with all of the chip designs).

Imo, the worst things you can do is (a) go for instant gratification without researching all of your options, and (b) settle for what is easily obtainable when it's not really what you want.

Good luck in your quest. Getting there is half the fun. :)

Thanks for the input. I see what you're saying and agree with most. I do prefer the THC mold. I really like the Empress chips of the ones you have listed. After just glancing online and through the classifieds I am left wondering if I could get a set of these (or even an assortment of similiar), put together within a couple of months for the same money as the HS Cinci IPO. As mentioned previously, I'm a little new to this but you think I could find roughly 600 empress/aztars in decent shape for $500 or so?
Thanks for the input. I see what you're saying and agree with most. I do prefer the THC mold. I really like the Empress chips of the ones you have listed. After just glancing online and through the classifieds I am left wondering if I could get a set of these (or even an assortment of similiar), put together within a couple of months for the same money as the HS Cinci IPO. As mentioned previously, I'm a little new to this but you think I could find roughly 600 empress/aztars in decent shape for $500 or so?
Unlikely. HS Cin and Cle for a set mostly consisting of $1s and $5s are going to run you .50 to .80c each. Or 50-80$ per rack (100). Empress are going to be at least double that per rack, especially for ones in good shape
roughly 600 empress/aztars in decent shape for $500 or so?
No, and therein lies the rub -- "decent shape" and "budget Paulsons" are two phrases that are not compatible. You can find worn casino chips for under a buck each, but you are going to pay a premium for casino chips in decent shape. On the other hand, generally speaking, the more you pay for a set, the more resale value it is going to command... and the less it will actually cost you in the long run. Compiling the set you are talking about will probably cost between $900-1100, although you might find components separately for closer to $1/chip.

There is a very nice set of Empress chips in the PCF Classifieds right now. Great THC chips, great condition, great price, and an opportunity that doesn't come up often.

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