Wanted Cleveland Horseshoe chips almost all denoms (2 Viewers)

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Supporter Plus
Dec 13, 2015
Reaction score
Northeast, OH
Hey All!

With the new year upon us, I'm dedicated to build my dream sets of Cleveland Horseshoe chips...one tournament and one cash. I've got a healthy start, but am looking to fill some gaps...here's what I'm shooting for:


Any amount of mint and commemorative $5

40x $1,000


70x $1,000
115x $5,000

I've looked over the classifieds, sent some PMs, and will update this post accordingly, but I'm definitely still gunna need some help filling these. I'm willing to buy or (more preferably) trade. Please PM me with your quantities, prices, and chips you may be looking for to trade. Almost all of my available chips are listed throughout the Classified section, but I'm happy to send comprehensive lists to those interested in trading.

Thanks all!! :) happy new year!!
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I guess lower prices of high denoms are gonna a pipe dream now.
But 10 racks of 1k's? Thats almost 25% of all existing chips out there. That will be quite a journey for you.

The most scary thing is that you have over a hundred 25k$ chips in your CASH SET.
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other than the definite wow factor :) are you sure that you can control all the chips in a multi table tournament ?

I personally would go crazy if 1 chip goes missing, and would not put such valuable chips in the hands of non-PCFers
Luckily over all of the tournaments I've held, no chips have gone missing...now living in Cleveland using cleveland hs chips may be an issue, but so far no problems! :)
I wouldn't be surprised to see some come up short if someone thinks they can still be redeemed somewhere.

I was using a $500 chip as a card cap a few weeks ago and a JACK regular offered me $50 for it thinking he could take it to Vegas, that they would honor it. I should have sold it, but will see him enough that I don't need the aggravation when he get back and was laughed out of the casino.
I wouldn't be surprised to see some come up short of someone thinks they can still be redeemed somewhere.

I was using a $500 chip as a card cap a few weeks ago and a JACK regular offered me $50 for it thinking he could take it to Vegas, that they would honor it. I should have sold it, but will see him enough that I don't need the aggravation when he get back and was laughed out of the casino.

Should have sold it :)
What impresses me most is that if you pull it off you'll have almost a quarter of all the $1k primary chips ever produced. A couple folks here managed to do similarly with the 8 spot snappers and it took a lot of time and money. This would be orders of magnitude more audacious. My 77 chips are not available though, sorry. :D
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