Wanted Cleveland Horseshoe Primary 1k & 5k (1 Viewer)

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4 of a Kind
Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score
Hello I am looking for some Cleveland Horseshoe Primary Chips

1k & 5k chips PM me if you have any for sale l

Let me know how many and your price


I didnt know they were upto that kinda pricing makes me feel defeated
I didnt know they were upto that kinda pricing makes me feel defeated
I would say he's pushing the pricing way high. Not sure if that's a point to start negotiations or if he thinks he can get those prices because he pretty much owns them all. But primary $1,000 for $26.50 each, when the market here has been $12-$15? FUCK THAT! I realize this guy bought all his chips after the chiproom sale (or at least claims to have done so) but that's no excuse for doubling the already inflated prices. It's bad for the hobby.
...It's bad for the hobby.

He's selling his property. He's free to ask whatever he wants, and you are free to purchase or not. When he bought them and what he paid is also irrelevant. This specific forum is a marketplace, and nothing more.

I don't understand why so many members here want to treat this hobby as if it were an actual human being to which we all have a social duty to protect and preserve. Maybe we should change the classified's title to "Place to show everyone what a great and charitable person you are"...
The pricing is already there, he said he ballparked his prices based on recent sale threads and eBay, which from what I've seen seem to be pretty consistent and he's still cheaper than what Todd is asking for original sale Horseshoe Cincinnatis.

Of course there's a difference between offering up a barrel of $1ks to a market with high demand and low supply versus bringing a large quantity to market that may or may not have the demand. I saw he sold about two racks but did that satisfy demand and make it tough to sell the remaining five? Time will tell.
He's selling his property. He's free to ask whatever he wants, and you are free to purchase or not. When he bought them and what he paid is also irrelevant. This specific forum is a marketplace, and nothing more.
I don't understand why so many members here want to treat this hobby as if it were an actual human being to which we all have a social duty to protect and preserve. Maybe we should change the classified's title to "Place to show everyone what a great and charitable person you are"...

Yup, he can do what he wants.
To address your question, I try to sell chips here for what I paid, because I hope other people will do the same. Because I'd rather pay less money for chips, than more. And because I'd rather be part of a community where we all try to help each other get what we want without profiting off each other. I know not everybody has the same attitude.
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