SOLD Cleveland HS Cash Set- $100 added (2 Viewers)

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Nov 18, 2016
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
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EDIT: $100 chip are INCLUDED. So 650 chips total. $625 shipped. That's .96 / chip for cleaned and oiled chips.

Or, I will split out the quarters, if the set sells, as members are asking.

I just purchased this set, but they didn’t scratch my itch. They’re as described by the original seller, but I think I'm headed down the custom chip path… Part of my challenge is that I run .25/.50 blinds, so until I can affect change in our game, I need .25 and .50 chips. I was trying to get that with casino chips, but it might not be worth the trouble.

I’m going to hold on to the $100 chips for now, since they match my Majestics pretty well. If that’s a deal breaker, we can discuss. Aside from that, the description and pictures are identical to the original ad. Just looking to break even.

650 chips, standard Horseshoe condition, per denomination. Not all chips shown in the picture are included.

140 x pink quarters (only 40 are shown).
220 x $1 (260 are shown, only 220 are for sale)
200 x $5
80 x $25
10 x $100

. Maybe open to trades. At the end of the day, I'm really just looking for one cash set and maybe one tournament set. Thanks

HS Chips.jpg
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I.... Part of my challenge is that I run .25/.50 blinds, so until I can affect change in our game, I need .25 and .50 chips. I was trying to get that with casino chips, but it might not be worth the trouble....

Well, back on my usual soapbox:

If you really want to get that casino feel, use your casino chips and forget about fractionals. For every $1 of buy-in, give the player $4 in chips. Play your game at $1/$2. When you cash them out, give them $1 for every $4 in chips.

Multiply by four, divide by four -- and you get to play 1/2, just like in a real casino. Easy-peasy. :cool:
Some good ideas. However, if I told you what our initial buyin is, you'd delete my account and ban me from the site. For now, it is what it is. Various options will be discussed, but as far as HS chips go, my OCD won't even allow for the various shapes of inserts. I can handle different images on the inserts, but the inserts themselves should be all the same shape: circle, octagon, trimoon, whichever. Seems bland, I know, but again, it is what it is.

I'm surprised a chip forum advises against using .25 and .50 chips in the same game. Isn't the point to have as much "color" on the table as possible :D. If I eliminate the .50 chips, then I only have two chips on the table. Very low stakes games we're talking. Now, my plan is to increase the stakes, change the format, and/or possibly just run a second game (crowd) each month. So we'll see where that takes me.
I just purchased this set, but they didn’t scratch my itch. They’re as described by the original seller, but I think I'm headed down the custom chip path… Part of my challenge is that I run .25/.50 blinds, so until I can affect change in our game, I need .25 and .50 chips. I was trying to get that with casino chips, but it might not be worth the trouble.

I’m going to hold on to the $100 chips for now, since they match my Majestics pretty well. If that’s a deal breaker, we can discuss. Aside from that, the description and pictures are identical to the original ad. Just looking to break even.

640 chips, standard Horseshoe condition, per denomination. Not all chips shown in the picture are included.

140 x pink quarters (only 40 are shown).
220 x 1 (260 are shown, only 220 are for sale)
200 x 5
80 x 25

$630 delivered. Maybe open to trades. At the end of the day, I'm really just looking for one cash set and maybe one tournament set. Thanks

View attachment 72843
I think the consensus is that you really do not need both .25 and .50 chips in the same game. A full table in a .25/.50 game can be ran easily with 100 x .25 chips. I do it all of the time. 120 chips is optimal so everyone can start off with $3 in fracs. Fill the rest of their stack with $1's and you are good to go in a small buy in game or you can add 5's if you tend to have a larger buy in game. The only game that you would need a .50 frac is if you were running a .50/$1 game although you can still use .25 chips for this game as well. IMO if you are only going to run a .50/$1 game and never run a .25/.50 game then you probably want to go with a .50 frac. If not .25 is all you need! That is unless you just want more chips!!!
If you want 3 chips, use the $2.50 as your big chip.

Sounds like you have bigger issues though, if your OCD gives you fits with shaped inlays.
My first set had .25, .50, 1, 5, 10, and 20's and it worked for us. However, just because it works doesn't mean it is very efficient.
My first set had .25, .50, 1, 5, 10, and 20's and it worked for us. However, just because it works doesn't mean it is very efficient.

When you say "worked" do you mean you put all of those chips in play at the same time? I have sets with all those denominations (and More), but its more for flexibility of stakes. Only 3-4 denoms get used each game.
I'm surprised a chip forum advises against using .25 and .50 chips in the same game. Isn't the point to have as much "color" on the table as possible :D.
Just think what you could do with the Cincy set using all the denoms simultaneously (1, 2, 2.50, 5).

If your stakes are as low as you're making then out to be then your lowest chip shouldn't be .25... if you want more color add a .05 and play .05/.10?
When you say "worked" do you mean you put all of those chips in play at the same time? I have sets with all those denominations (and More), but its more for flexibility of stakes. Only 3-4 denoms get used each game.

It was my first semi custom set. Starting stacks had all but the 20's in them lol. I was a rookie what do you expect. It was a semi custom hot stamp set back in the day when you could get them for .45 a chip.

Now that I look at it. My highest denom was the 10.00 chip. They weren't in the starting stacks. The rest were :)

Personally I get why you would want 50 cent chips in a .25/.50 cent game. At that level most of the players have horrible chip management skills. There is a real need to limit the amount of chips on the table. The 50 cent chip helps to accomplishes that.
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Personally I get why you need 50 cent chips in a .25/.50 cent game. At that level most of the players have horrible chip management skills. There is a real need to limit the amount of chips on the table. The 50 cent chip accomplishes that.

Again, that's just your preference. Doesn't make it right. There really isn't a right/wrong. a fifty cent is fine, but it isn't "needed" by any means. Each group is different. To say that most players at that level suck with chip management skills is a huge exaggeration.

Your game, your chips, use whatever your want. The game will run more efficiently and waste less time if you can avoid starting with unnecessary denominations.
I just purchased this set, but they didn’t scratch my itch. They’re as described by the original seller, but I think I'm headed down the custom chip path… Part of my challenge is that I run .25/.50 blinds, so until I can affect change in our game, I need .25 and .50 chips. I was trying to get that with casino chips, but it might not be worth the trouble.

I’m going to hold on to the $100 chips for now, since they match my Majestics pretty well. If that’s a deal breaker, we can discuss. Aside from that, the description and pictures are identical to the original ad. Just looking to break even.

640 chips, standard Horseshoe condition, per denomination. Not all chips shown in the picture are included.

140 x pink quarters (only 40 are shown).
220 x 1 (260 are shown, only 220 are for sale)
200 x 5
80 x 25

$630 delivered. Maybe open to trades. At the end of the day, I'm really just looking for one cash set and maybe one tournament set. Thanks

View attachment 72843

lets also not forgot about the add. I love conversations in my adds. Keeps the add at the top. Not sure if @joseywales does or not.
Relabeling: Relabeling sounds all well and good, until you start doing it. I “dusted” and oiled a few hundred new Majestics. Yep, that was “fun”, but I’m done with that. Every time I take on a project like that, it spills out into several rooms, or tables. Maybe I’m just past the point where I want to be so much hands on. If I get custom chips, I’ll either have CPC do them, or just have labels made and installed. There was a time where I would sit patiently and install each label, ensuring they were all centered. Now, not so much.

A $2.50 chip might be a consideration. But with our stakes, each player would probably start with two of those…

I’m not making out my stakes to be that low, they are that low. Why would I make them out to be anything they are not??? Our initial buyin is $15. Currently, that’s:

12 x .25
8 x .50
8 x 1.00

I have enough Majestic chips for 9 or 10 buyins at those denominations. I have $5 chips that sometimes enter the game after that, then $10 chips that rarely enter the game. I currently use the $25 greens as .25 chips, since the .25 salmon Majestics seem to be too close in color to the .50 oranges (probable due to what most of you are stating, the .25 and the .50 chips aren’t commonly used in the same game).

@David94sc hit it as well. With 7 or 8 players, that’s a ton of .25 chips on the table. In fact, with the .25 chips we use now, we, on occasion, color up some.25 chips.

@detroitdad is trying to send me into OCD convulsions with his solids mixed set!!!

Not sure why it’s so surprising that I don’t like the mixed shapes of inserts. Terribles, Dunes, Casino De Isthmus, and many others all have the same shape inlay on their chips, so it’s fairly common I would think.
There is interest in the $100 and the .25 chips, so a split is possible if others want the $5 and $1. There are some commemorative $5 chips in there.
You say the initial by-in is $15, and we all know that's lousy for a .25/.25 or .25/.50, but it can work if more money comes in.
My regular game is .25/.50 with a $20 buy-in, and it can be a shove fest to start. But after a few busts, people tend to rebuy for $30 or $40, so as the night rolls on, good poker gets played.
No idea why the initial buy-ins are so low, there aren't any restrictions. That's just how it's always been, and it works for us.
Yep. Preventing the shove fest is why we started at $15. There was a mix of players and keeping money off the table also leveled that out. Now that guys are more experienced, it might be time for a change. We always had a $50 ceiling as well, but that was always extremely flexible. More of a guideline, again to keep the rich from robbing the poor.
$595 shipped. That's .93 / chip for cleaned and oiled chips.

Or, I will split out the quarters, if the set sells, as members are asking.
Not sure why it’s so surprising that I don’t like the mixed shapes of inserts. Terribles, Dunes, Casino De Isthmus, and many others all have the same shape inlay on their chips, so it’s fairly common I would think.

I believe its cheaper, thats why its common. Terrible's have all Round, but Dunes do not. I think the original CDI chips had shaped inlays and then Paulson cheaped out on the newer versions.

Many chips (like the horseshoes) do Faux shapes, where the inlays are all round, but the design on the inlay is supposed to look like actual shaped inlay.
depending on the price, and if you split the set, I would take all the $5 and $25 chips
I'm surprised a chip forum advises against using .25 and .50 chips in the same game. Isn't the point to have as much "color" on the table as possible
Only in the splashed pot pr0n shots. :) Actual poker games work much more efficiently with denominations that are 4x or 5x apart, and depending on the game, two or three (occasionally four) spaced-out denominations is plenty.

If you really want three denominations in play for your $15 buy-in game, add some nickel chips and play deeper-stacked 5c/10c -- I think your group will really prefer it to your super-shortstacked 25c/50c game. So much more poker strategy comes into play when deep-stacked, and playing deep-stack poker doesn't mean you have to have shit-loads of cash in the game. The quarters and $1 chips you have already will suffice.
Don't put .25 and .50 chips in the same game.

Just use more 25c chips. Easy peasy. You do not need both 25c and 50c chips in the same game.

Colors are nice but let's be honest: You want simplicity in your game.

25c / $1 / $5 / $25 and $100 chips are plenty, plus if you want them, bounty and bonus chips will add some color to the game, but really if you have 5 denominations, you probably have more than enough.
EDIT: $595 shipped. That's .93 / chip for cleaned and oiled chips.

Or, I will split out the quarters, if the set sells, as members are asking.

220 x 1 (260 are shown, only 220 are for sale
200 x 5
80 x 25

I'd be interested in everything but the quarters. PM me if necessary for pricing. Thanks!
I'll split the set, both are available.

140 x pink quarters - $195 shipped CONUS

220 x 1
200 x 5
80 x 25
$450 shipped CONUS.
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Next stop, fleabay and I guess I'll have to toss the $100 chips back into the set to attract buyers there.
Next stop, fleabay and I guess I'll have to toss the $100 chips back into the set to attract buyers there.
Good luck there. I wonder if the quarters will make them more desirable. I've been watching prices for primary cash sets there - on average they seem to be going for just under a dollar a chip for small playable cash sets - pretty much in line with what you're asking here. This shows some recent sales - prices in green are sold, prices in black received no bids.
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