Found Club Courage twin spires $20 chips (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Oct 29, 2014
Reaction score
After DCS5, I came up missing 13 of my $20 chips! (also a $1 which drunk country Chris took home and I replaced from spares). You would think the bank would have been $261 heavy, but I didn't hear about that.

None of the other 3600 chips that were in play came up missing. I've searched everywhere and interrogated everyone I can but no joy. I only have 4 spares.

It's not the end of the world, but the partial barrel is upsetting.

If anyone is interested and willing to sell back $20 chips or sample sets, I'm in the market. Thanks for the consideration.

Crazy these haven't turned up, Chris. I really can't comprehend how they are still missing.

I believe I still have a $20 chip, but I'm not positive. If I do obviously it's yours.

Definitely encourage everyone who has a sample set to be willing to part with their $20. Horrible to lose customs without replacements.
That sucks Chris, sorry to hear it. I can't imagine how that could happen other than someone not realizing that they still have 13 chips in their pocket.

If anyone local tries to sneak them back into your game it should be very obvious.

I will double check, but I think I lost my sample set at Chicken Robs - I believe I left it on the fireplace mantle during BBOTB a few years ago.
One of my favorite custom chips ever, but I already have samples. :) Hope they turn up. I'll take a look and see how many I have in my collection (all from prior to DCS3, btw)..... probably just one or maybe two.

Crazy how chips are missing but the bank wasn't heavy (but the dealers may not have reported that). Who did the chip exchange/conversion on the upstairs table Friday night after the limit table downstairs moved? I was outside, and came in to see all of the chips had been swapped out.
That is really disturbing, being this far out from DCS and still AWOL. Missing chips is always my #1 fear following an event. Missing 13 is extraordinary, as that many CPC's aren't light enough to not notice in a pocket. I wonder if anyone had a box or backpack they could have accidentally been placed in or fallen into?
That sucks Chris, sorry to hear it. I can't imagine how that could happen other than someone not realizing that they still have 13 chips in their pocket.

If anyone local tries to sneak them back into your game it should be very obvious.

I will double check, but I think I lost my sample set at Chicken Robs - I believe I left it on the fireplace mantle during BBOTB a few years ago.

They never turned up after the event. And the mantle was been dismantled when I removed the fireplace. Alas, I have no $20s, or I'd happily send them along.
I think you gave me a $20 in that partial sample set. I'll bring it to Jack's game on Saturday!
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I have a couple CC chips but I don't know if I've got a 20. If I do I'll give it to @inca911 to ship back to you
You can have them back. Totally tried cashing them at Foxwoods and they looked at me like I was crazy.

TBH what the hell. Sorry to hear it, so odd.
Well that's dismaying. Hope you get them back. I don't have a Twin Spires sample set or I'd give you mine Saturday.
One located in Jersey. I'll have the family bring it down in a couple weeks when they visit.

Small contribution but maybe it will serve the secondary purpose of satisfying the Club Courage gods.
One of my favorite custom chips ever, but I already have samples. :) Hope they turn up. I'll take a look and see how many I have in my collection (all from prior to DCS3, btw)..... probably just one or maybe two.

Crazy how chips are missing but the bank wasn't heavy (but the dealers may not have reported that). Who did the chip exchange/conversion on the upstairs table Friday night after the limit table downstairs moved? I was outside, and came in to see all of the chips had been swapped out.

Not sure what dealers converted that table, but bank wasn't heavy any of the nights I'm told. Hopefully they will turn up. :confused:
Thanks for the chips, guys! Hopefully the cache of them will turn up... just so weird.
Just pulled the one from my sample set. I'll get it in the mail this week.
man, this blows. i cashed out my 6 (humble brag is humble) on saturday night at the upstairs table. i'll search my cases with sample and spares and see what i can find. i'll ship any that i find.
I do have a $20 in my partial sample set so if you need it let me know and I'll get it to Forrest before he goes to The Post.
I am sure you will find them. Today I found my change purse that I keep my US change and small bills in when I travel that has been missing since I went to DCS III and I tore my car/house/luggage apart multiple times looking for it. So be a Believer!
Well the good news is that we have 6 coming from folks in this thread already. So 7 to go and I'd be shocked if we can't find more folks on this board with sample sets...
w00t! Glad you found them Harley.

Anyone who has sent me chips, I'll be returning them to you. Thanks for the generosity!
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