That’s my auction. I’m ledavatar from CT. It was an old screenname that I’ve used for a long time but a couple of years ago I had a bunch of accts hacked and just decided to move forward with a new screenname going forward. Not trying to confuse people, I just didn’t think anyone cared.
Anyway, correct that this is a brand new pattern. Here are the old 33 "official" pattern variations. Of course, these don't show pattern variations such as single spots, etc.
I think the two "carnation" colored spots are called "1/2 round" inserts. Size wise, they are bigger/fatter than the “V” but smaller than the “moon.” It is almost a W, but a W is more triangular and has an inner insert. Here's what I measure on my caliper in terms of sizing:
"1/2 round" insert = 0.46"
"W" insert = 0.55"
"V" insert = 0.30"
"Moon" insert = 0.76"
Here's another example of this "1/2 round" insert. Not my chip, unfortunately (pic borrowed from CT).
And if anyone is paying attention, you will note that "carnation" is a new 2015 color.