Are you B-mold curious after all those amazing sets came out? Then this giveaway is for you!
I have 20 CPC B-mold shuffle stacks (10 mint-ish chips each) to give away (2nd rack not shown).
10 are reserved for new members (4/1/21-10/15/21- yay @Crinklecore!) and 10 are open. I doubt I’ll give them all away, but I’m going to try.
To enter, post anything below. GIFs get triple bonus points.*
If it looks like I’ll get a low number of takers, then I might ship early entrants. If I go over 20, I’ll cut off potential entrants at midnight Alaska time on Friday 10/22/21. If I get more than 20, I’ll first work new members and then remaining members. I’ll figure out a draw method, depending on how many respond. There are more complicated details that, but…
Mandatory long explanation on why I’m doing this: turns out B-molds have a slightly greater diameter than my lcrowns. It’s tilting, so I never felted (or rather neoprened) these. Plus, my replacement lcrown fracs are shipping! My doofus error is your gain. Woot!
Domestic shipping on me; international gets equivalent credit.
*Bonus points valid only for native Latin speaking residents of the Pitcairn Islands. All other GIF-providing entrants will get a bonus sense of joy, with double joy going to funny GIFs.