Canceled CPC Custom Cash Set (1 Viewer)

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Straight Flush
Aug 23, 2013
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It is with a very heavy heart I must announce the sale of my Fat Tire custom cash set. We had a life issue which requires I liquidate chips to raise money. I’ll be listing other sets for sale soon, so stay tuned.

This set consists of 2100 chips

320 x $.25
620 x $1
820 x $5
280 x $20
60 x $100

It was done on the CSQ mold with custom @p5woody designed shaped inlays. The rolling edges have been oiled. The set cost $6k, but I fully understanding that customs don’t hold their value, so I’m only asking for $4k.

Any questions please let me know. I’ll only have this sale up for 1 day (ends at 11:59pm CST). Happy Easter.

I wish you all the best, and maybe someone here can “hold on to these” for you. If that was financially feasible on my end, I would. Good luck to you.
Oh man... and I was genuinely concerned :eek::eek:

Poker sorry. :LOL: :laugh:

I’m at work today and have already been “pranked” 5x by my coworkers. I didn’t fall for any of their BS.

Y’all have to be on your game when April 1st hits! Cmon now...

I have been planning, designing, and saving for this set for 2 years.. I’d sooner sell off my teenage daughter (the chips are way less moody). If I had to sell chips, these would be the last to go.

I knew I was pulling a PCF prank today... it was between this and cancelling the MTTD. But I didn’t want anyone actually thinking the event was cancelled. ;)

And that's why, if it is a joke, it's in bad taste, IMO. The only reason someone would sell off a set like this is if actual tragedy had occurred, and tragedy is always funny, right?

Again, I didn’t think anyone would actually take this that seriously. It’s April 1st and this is a dream set I JUST received. I have lots of other chips that would go first. If you were truly upset, my sincere apologies.
Like the line from the movie, paraphrasing.... <' I wouldn't risk stealing dough from that family. They like money more than they like their own children. And they are VERY FOND of their children. >' :-) :-)
Again, I didn’t think anyone would actually take this that seriously. It’s April 1st and this is a dream set I JUST received. I have lots of other chips that would go first. If you were truly upset, my sincere apologies.

When I first woke up and saw this on my phone, I was like "oh man. Hope shit alright". Then I'm all, "can I scrouge up $2k to split this set with someone?" then after realizing what day it was...

I hope everything is OK, but I really hope the date of this listing is what prompted it
given the recent events and well known member(s) having had actual family tragedies in the last week I think this is about the shittiest joke that could have been made not only for a community member in general, but even shittier given that fact that it was a mod
given the recent events and well known member(s) having had actual family tragedies in the last week I think this is about the shittiest joke that could have been made not only for a community member in general, but even shittier given that fact that it was a mod

Couldn't agree more. I hope David hasn't read this.
given the recent events and well known member(s) having had actual family tragedies in the last week I think this is about the shittiest joke that could have been made not only for a community member in general, but even shittier given that fact that it was a mod
I have to agree. This is not funny.
Someone was probably in the process of setting up a “Save Ferris” fundraiser for you.
In the interest of profiting off others misery.. I offer $0.01/chip for this set. Mwhaa ha ha! :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

Oh, and verbal binding!
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given the recent events and well known member(s) having had actual family tragedies in the last week I think this is about the shittiest joke that could have been made not only for a community member in general, but even shittier given that fact that it was a mod

Agreed wholeheartedly. I'm a militant atheist, and even I'd have thought that the good spirits of Easter Sunday and Passover would have trumped April Fool's Day for any decent person.
Just having a hard time determining if people are really trying to cry foul because they fell for it, or if it’s just a “too soon” moment. Either way, I’d suggest taking this thread down. This is going nowhere positive at this point.

April fools joke attempted...Apparently your online image is too polarized and people are not going to give you any slack on this.
Yup, I’ll lock the thread up, so it doesn’t keep getting bumped.

Apologies for anyone who was offended or took my thread seriously.

I am taking nothing too seriously that I see/hear/read on April Fools day. And it was wrong to assume others would be of the same mindset. I’m working a 12 hour shift today, and already been targeted for numerous pranks from coworkers.

I’m a bit of a prankster and probably should have stayed off the internet today.
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