Wanted CPC mold and color samples (1 Viewer)

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Aug 9, 2017
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I'm looking for some CPC sample sets with different molds and color samples. If anyone has any they can part with please let me know. I would even be happy to pay a deposit and borrow some just long enough to make some decisions on what I want for a custom set.

I'm especially interested in H-mold, scroll mold, and and many of the dayglo colors


If you're designing a set, there is no substitute for having a full color sample set (might as well get the mold samples too). I'd highly recommend contacting CPC and investing in a full sample set. The choice between colors becomes much clearer when you have them in front of you. It is *so* worth the money.
Thanks. I appreciate the input and agree you're right, that would ultimately be the best way to go.

However I'm not planning on ordering for about a year. So I figured I'll take my chance and see if anyone has anything they could loan me. I've spent enough money on poker in the last few months lol
Colors seem to vary slightly over the years as well. Depending on what colors you plan to use it might make sense to order a set from CPC closer to the time you plan on ordering a custom set.
I have a ton of mold samples and a full color sample set that I am done with. Pm if you’re interested.
You're in Canada, right. I could loan you mine. It has all the colors except for bright white. It has all the molds except for scroll. Let me know if it would help.
Thanks! I think I'll take u up on this sometime. There is no rush.

Thanks everyone else for the responses as well
PCF makes things easy!
Long shot I'm sure and not trying to thread jack but does anybody still have a color sample available? Or maybe to loan? I can pay shipping and give a barrel of random chips or work something out I'm sure. Thanks!
Long shot I'm sure and not trying to thread jack but does anybody still have a color sample available? Or maybe to loan? I can pay shipping and give a barrel of random chips or work something out I'm sure. Thanks!

I have a hostamped set if you're interested. PM me and maybe we can work something out.
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