Sitting Out
Hello. I am using the design tool at http://www.pokerchipdesigntool.com/ to create my custom set. They have a link to a template for laying out the chip inlay artwork. I am following the directions of the template regarding rule #1 "No text or graphic beyond the inner red circle except for a full bleed background if used." I am using the 7/8" template. My question or concern is that when uploading my inlay artwork to the design tool, the inlay art feels squished with more white space surrounding the artwork than I would like. I noticed on other custom sets that they do not have as much white space. Did they go outside of the redline while also keeping the artwork inside of the black circle of dashes that indicate where the artwork will be punched? I have tried doing this and the chip does look more visually appealing but I am scared to break rule number 1 and end up with chips that do not reflect what the design tool shows. Can anyone help me with this? I am uploading a picture of one of my designs along with a members chip I am using for a reference. I hope this makes sense. Thank you.