I recently picked up a bunch of scroll CPC Rounders and would like to add a few. I'm looking for 30 x 25c and 40 x $1. To match the condition of my current set, I'd be looking for like-new on the quarters, but visibly used is OK for the $1s.
Since I'm all-in on scroll now, I have four barrels of like-new CSQ 50c that I could sell or trade (sold). I may also have extra used $5 scroll.
Edit: updated quantity of $1s to 40.Also confirmed I do have extra $5 to sell/trade; see my other thread. (Sold most, closed the listing)
I recently picked up a bunch of scroll CPC Rounders and would like to add a few. I'm looking for 30 x 25c and 40 x $1. To match the condition of my current set, I'd be looking for like-new on the quarters, but visibly used is OK for the $1s.
Edit: updated quantity of $1s to 40.
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