Found CPC samples (1 Viewer)

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Nov 30, 2018
Reaction score
Montreux - Switzerland
Yo da crew!
I would like to acquire some CPC chips to be able to judge by miself the quality of those.

Thank you in advance if you can sell me some extras that you might have
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If there are multiple people with unwanted CPC samples laying around collecting dust, I also would love to have some.

@1A25R, sorry if my post is considered thread-jacking. After 1A25R gets samples, then I will be interested if there is anyone else willing to part with theirs.
I have two barrels of the hour glass mold. They are brown blanks that were likely made by ASM (before CPC).

$10 plus shipping for one barrel or $20 plus shipping for two.

Also if there are multiple parties that you get chips from I can always collect them and ship them at once if that helps.
I would like to precise that by samples I mean singles chips or ~5 chip sets to observe quality texture and colors.
I will not take full barrels of a single chip.
But thanks or asking.
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