SOLD CPS Tourney Set + Cash Extras (1 Viewer)

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Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
4   0   0
Hey folks,

Its spring cleaning time and its also time to face the fact that I'm never going to use even a quarter of the chips that I bought from the great CPS group buy from a few years back.

I've decided to keep a high stakes tourney set, but I think the breakdown would still be pretty good for a standard tourney set.

Mega Tourney set
T25 - 420
T100 - 420
T500 - 220
T1000 - 320
T5000 - 100
T25k - 25
T100k - 75
Bounty - 40
Dealer Button - 2

Total chips 1620 + buttons
Almost all still in the wrapper. I broke a few out for shuffling
I'd prefer not to break these up, but would do so if all of the chips were accounted for.

$700 + shipping SOLD


2 x smaller tourney sets

T25 - 210
T100 - 210
T500 - 110
T1000 - 160
T5000 - 50
T25k - 10
T100k - 35
Bounty - 20
Dealer Button - 1

805 total
$375 + shipping each

(Great idea thanks BG)

(obviously if this gets sold as one big set then the 2 smaller sets are no longer available)

I've also got 20 of each of the cash denoms from the CPS set
5c (orange) - sold pending
25c (pink) - sold pending
$1 (tan) - sold pending
$1 (blue) - sold pending
$5 (red) - sold pending
$20 (yellow)
$25 (green) - sold pending
$100 (black) - sold pending
$500 (purple) - sold pending

Total chips 180

$8 per barrel + shipping


(this photo was from when I first received the chips and does not represent the actual quantities advertised)
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The orange, tan, black and purple cash chips have been spoken for. Pending payment.
The pink, blue, red and green cash chips have also been spoken for pending payment.
T25 - 420
T100 - 420
T500 - 220
T1000 - 320
T5000 - 100
T25k - 25
T100k - 75
Bounty - 40
Dealer Button - 2

Total chips 1620 + buttons
Almost all still in the wrapper. I broke a few out for shuffling
I'd prefer not to break these up, but would do so if all of the chips were accounted for.

$650 + shipping
Great price for a great tourney set breakdown, but may be too big for some folks. Might want to consider also offering it split it into two smaller equal-size sets (contingent on both halves selling), to maybe give yourself a larger market audience. Anyway, nice to see you posting, and GLWS!!
I'd be ok with this, (contingent on both halves selling) - changed op

I seem to have misjudged the value of these chips a bit.
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I'm looking for something like 1 rack of T25 (can take 120 chips) and 1 rack of T100 (can take 120 chips) and also some T100k if it helps.
Interest in entire Mega set, don't mind if you have loose extras included or not. PM coming, or PM me if I have not properly figured it out. :P
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