Wanted ***Crystal Park High Denominations Wanted - Will Buy or Trade*** (2 Viewers)

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Aug 10, 2020
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SF Bay Area, RWC
Greetings all! Recently have added a set of high denominations to my Crystal Park set. Trying to complete some racks, barrels, and misc chips and I am to either buy or trade for them. Here is what I need:

21 secondary 25s
4 secondary 500s
2 primary 1Ks
3 GO Chinese New Year 5s (Ox, Rooster, & Ram)

If you have any of these to sell, please hit me up. If you would like to trade for other high denomination CP, here is what I have to trade:

17 secondary hundreds
20 primary 500s
2 secondary 1K
2 GO 5s (not Chinese New Year)
Also have some spare 1s, 2s, and 5s

Willing to purchase too! And if I can find 3 more sec 100s would happily complete that barrel. Offering the following cash prices for what I need in mint to excellent condition:

$7 secondary 25s
$15 secondary 100s

$25 secondary 500s
$30 primary 1Ks
$7 GO Chinese New Year 5s (Ox, Rooster, & Ram)

Appreciate the consideration and any help you can give!


(Barrels on the left need to be completed. Chips on the right available for trade.)
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Willing to purchase too! And if I can find 3 more sec 100s would happily complete that barrel. Offering the following cash prices for what I need:

$7 secondary 25s
$15 secondary 100s
$25 secondary 500s
$30 primary 1Ks
$7 GO Chinese New Year 5s (Ox, Rooster, & Ram)

Will buy up to a barrel if I need to. Happy to take singles too!
View attachment 754440
Stoked! Picked up 1 x $500 off the classifieds. (Thanks ReallyGoodUsername!)
Need 3 more $500 (sec) and 2 more $1K (pri). Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated, and will be rewarded with a windfall of both cash and good chipping karma!
Chipping karma is underrated. Best of luck, brother! If I had either of these, they’d be on the way.
As trade ads go I consider this one a success. I’ve made a few trades and got many chips that I needed, and all the while helping some other fellow CP chippers along the way. A big thanks to @HaRDHouSeiNC , @johnsj12 , and @Godzilla28 . I am so happy we were able to help each other out with our sets.

All I need now is two more chips. These will complete my final two barrels, my final rack, and finally my 2500 Crystal Park set:

1 secondary $500
1 primary $1K


If anyone has these to spare I would be forever in your debt and the chipping gods will smile upon you for your munificence. As you can see they are going to deserved home where they will be loved, respected, and reunited with their brothers and sisters. Have a little CP trade bait and cash prices in the OP. Happy to discuss other possible trades or prices if necessary. Thank you!
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