I'm traveling to my brother's over the holidays and he wanted me to bring a set so we can run a tourney with about 14'ish of his friends/coworkers. I do not want to travel with any of my customs nor my AS hotstamps given he's out of state.
@Beakertwang's awesome home game photos inspired me to get a cheap set of Monaco Casino sluggers to do the job. In that regard, I went to discount pokershop's site and ordered enough for 18 seats of T10,000 including rebuys. Paid under $100 so.... yay.
This is what arrived:
I counted everything and am missing some $100's, $500's and $10,000's.
I've emailed them the same photos and asked them for replacements. Will keep you updated on their response / recompense.
@Beakertwang's awesome home game photos inspired me to get a cheap set of Monaco Casino sluggers to do the job. In that regard, I went to discount pokershop's site and ordered enough for 18 seats of T10,000 including rebuys. Paid under $100 so.... yay.
This is what arrived:
I counted everything and am missing some $100's, $500's and $10,000's.
I've emailed them the same photos and asked them for replacements. Will keep you updated on their response / recompense.