Donks R Us (2 Viewers)


3 of a Kind
Mar 9, 2017
Reaction score
New Jersey
Question for my fellow poker players and enthusiasts...

Is it time to stand up from a casino table when a guy keeps getting AA or KK and instead of betting normal, just grabs as many chips off his stack and slams it on the table? And of course I never have position on him so when I get AK or KQ suited and I raise in 1/2 NL to say 6 or 10 or just flat call there he is picking up any amount of chips and slamming $80 down without even thinking. It killed the play at the table cause no one was willing to put up 1/3 or half their stack to see a flop even with a good hand.

Eventually we all picked up on it and just stopped trying but I kept playing at the table. Luckily it didnt affect. Me too much. Only when I had a hand and had to let it go because I wasn't throwing away $50 before we even saw a flop. One time I tried to make him regret it but I couldn't catch my backdoor flush or straight.

Would you have gotten up? Stayed and played more to try to get some money off him? Curious what others would do in this or similar situations and if it frustrates other people and not just me.

Anyone else have similar situations? We can make this a "what ticks you off at the table" thread
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It frustrates the hell out of me when it's going on while I'm card dead but for some reason the better the night is going the more "tolerant" I am...weird huh? ;)

I was both card dead and getting good hands. I'd get great whole cards but couldn't win pots cause of this guy. Then when I did get hands and he didn't play I was hot and cold
This looks like a good place to make money.

Don't buy in deeper without expertise in stacking LAGtards - rather play a short stacked strategy. Trust in math to be your friend. This is even more important when your bankroll for the trip is limited. Buying in for something like $100 several times is better / less variance than buying in for $300 once.

Move to the seat on the right of the LAGtard and take passive lines on your premium hands. You'll be limp/folding sometimes. In fact you MUST be limp folding sometimes to maximize your profit. The goal is to play for stacks preflop in situations where you are a 55/45 favorite or better and trapping dead money with limp / jam lines.

Pay attention to the strategies of the other players at the table because several players will adjust their play to focus on the crazy guy at the table.

Patience is critical. Yes it sucks to be card dead. It hurts even worse to get good speculative hands because they aren't properly playable vs a guy making huge preflop raises.

Expect variance. But you will make good money in the long run waiting to get your money in when the time is right.

Do not try to out bully this type of villain. Do not adopt his overbetting strategy.

Good luck! -=- DrStrange
This can be annoying, but lets be honest this is a good spot if you have some patience. Just wait for a good hand and get in in against him somehow. I have played (and of course sometimes lost) against players like this, that 3 bet and call a shove with almost any two cards preflop, but if you can get your money in as a 60/40 or 70/30 favorite just hang on tight.

As long as you have the bankroll to tolorate the swings this sounds like super good value. Dont leave
This can be annoying, but lets be honest this is a good spot if you have some patience. Just wait for a good hand and get in in against him somehow. I have played (and of course sometimes lost) against players like this, that 3 bet and call a shove with almost any two cards preflop, but if you can get your money in as a 60/40 or 70/30 favorite just hang on tight.

As long as you have the bankroll to tolorate the swings this sounds like super good value. Dont leave

It's can be annoying for sure. Especially at a table of nitty older guys who are just there for the first few hours the high hand starts. Guys that have AA and no matter what the bet is ahead of them won't fold because they think they have a hand, even after I've opened, fired the flop and turn ahead of them with KK but trying to represent I have a set. Still won't fold because they think they have a hand. It gets annoying.

Sadly it's the guy who had AA preflop in 1/2 and throws $60 in chips out there into a $12 pot that ends up winning the hand somehow anyway once the hand is over. Or after the flop when he gets a caller throws another $60 out there just because he has AA. I think I've played in the early afternoon for the last time
If he only does this with really big hands, he's making it really easy for you to play perfectly against him preflop. It may be a bit boring, but he's shooting himself in the foot and making life easy for you.
Pretty much agree with all of the above, BUT:
If it bugs you, tilts you, or makes the game not fun anymore, go ahead and change tables. You're there to have fun, so find yourself a fun table.
It sounds like he is essentially playing with his cards face up. You just have to be patient and pick your spots. I've been in this type of situation and if you're patient enough you can profit nicely. But there can also be some huge swings because your hand won't always hold up. If you're there to have some fun playing poker and socialize a little, then you're better off going to another table.
Question for my fellow poker players and enthusiasts...

Is it time to stand up from a casino table when a guy keeps getting AA or KK and instead of betting normal, just grabs as many chips off his stack and slams it on the table? ...

That's a pretty big mistake by the other player. You don't earn money at the poker tables by being super awesome (unless you're Phil Ivey of course). You earn money by other players making mistakes, and by you limiting yours. I will gladly play in a game with players like that.
That's a pretty big mistake by the other player. You don't earn money at the poker tables by being super awesome (unless you're Phil Ivey of course). You earn money by other players making mistakes, and by you limiting yours. I will gladly play in a game with players like that.

That's a great way to put it. So accurate. He who makes the fewest mistakes is more often than not on top.

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