3 of a Kind
Question for my fellow poker players and enthusiasts...
Is it time to stand up from a casino table when a guy keeps getting AA or KK and instead of betting normal, just grabs as many chips off his stack and slams it on the table? And of course I never have position on him so when I get AK or KQ suited and I raise in 1/2 NL to say 6 or 10 or just flat call there he is picking up any amount of chips and slamming $80 down without even thinking. It killed the play at the table cause no one was willing to put up 1/3 or half their stack to see a flop even with a good hand.
Eventually we all picked up on it and just stopped trying but I kept playing at the table. Luckily it didnt affect. Me too much. Only when I had a hand and had to let it go because I wasn't throwing away $50 before we even saw a flop. One time I tried to make him regret it but I couldn't catch my backdoor flush or straight.
Would you have gotten up? Stayed and played more to try to get some money off him? Curious what others would do in this or similar situations and if it frustrates other people and not just me.
Anyone else have similar situations? We can make this a "what ticks you off at the table" thread
Is it time to stand up from a casino table when a guy keeps getting AA or KK and instead of betting normal, just grabs as many chips off his stack and slams it on the table? And of course I never have position on him so when I get AK or KQ suited and I raise in 1/2 NL to say 6 or 10 or just flat call there he is picking up any amount of chips and slamming $80 down without even thinking. It killed the play at the table cause no one was willing to put up 1/3 or half their stack to see a flop even with a good hand.
Eventually we all picked up on it and just stopped trying but I kept playing at the table. Luckily it didnt affect. Me too much. Only when I had a hand and had to let it go because I wasn't throwing away $50 before we even saw a flop. One time I tried to make him regret it but I couldn't catch my backdoor flush or straight.
Would you have gotten up? Stayed and played more to try to get some money off him? Curious what others would do in this or similar situations and if it frustrates other people and not just me.
Anyone else have similar situations? We can make this a "what ticks you off at the table" thread
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