Found Empress Hundos (paying $3.5+ each) (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Sep 26, 2018
Reaction score
Kennesaw, GA
Only need 40 more! Willing to pay 3.50 per chip!

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Sold secondaries for $6 ea. Which are not mint either.

The hundos tend to be in rather good shape in general. Primary or secondary. I hope you can get them at your price. They don’t come up often.

Interesting. Primary and secondary should have a price gap, but I haven't seen any fetch that much. I have 160 on the way with a possible line on 100 more, so I really just need 2 more barrels to hit my 300 goal!
I didn’t mean to thread crap either. Was just trying to let you know you might have to offer more to get bites. What are you pairing these with?
I didn’t mean to thread crap either. Was just trying to let you know you might have to offer more to get bites. What are you pairing these with?

Nah its fine, I had to go back through the classifieds to see if I need to raise my price or not, seems to be working out pretty well so far though, and I pmed you a sneak peak of the set.
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