Wanted Empress Star $25's... (1 Viewer)

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Nov 11, 2017
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Hello Fellow Chippers!!!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!! I have a few projects that I'm working on and when I hit a wall on one project... I start to focus on another that I have working so I don't get discouraged...lol... Anyway here it goes!!!

If these are as scarce as the Point After $25's... which I found out that 120 of them sold for $2100 ...o_O $17.50/chip... I will give up this search now... lol...This is not the situation I'm interested in to keep looking for these... So if anyone can shed some light on this search endeavor and whether or not that they are available and what market price is for these I would very much appreciate the Information...?
I'm looking for 2 to 4 racks.... I will take what I can get... I'm open to all offers please let me know.

I have lifted this pic from @Paulo's post and since he is looking for a different chip I figured he wouldn't mind but if you do please let me know and I will edit and take picture out. I appreciate any and all info in advance on the knowledge of these chips! if you would rather PM me that would be great! (y) :thumbsup:
Troy Arnold

Good luck with the search Troy!! And I don't mind the use of the picture AT ALL!!!

The only thing is: my screen name is @ChaosRock and not Paulo (so you're tagging someone else). Paulo is my real name, LOL!!!!

Again, good luck with the search.And I don't think prices will be remotely close to Pointe After for whatever's worth. :p
Good luck with the search Troy!! And I don't mind the use of the picture AT ALL!!!

The only thing is: my screen name is @ChaosRock and not Paulo (so you're tagging someone else). Paulo is my real name, LOL!!!!

Again, good luck with the search.And I don't think prices will be remotely close to Pointe After for whatever's worth. :p

Man... I have made that mistake before!!! Very Sorry!!!
There is a Paulo as a screen name and I must have looked at the end of your post and got confused!
I also apologize to @Paulo for the mistake!!!
Damn... y'all must both be dog lovers!!!
Hi Troy I have a rack of ES $25 but I don’t need cash I need chips lol! Specifically I’m looking for ES quarters but I’d be open to something else possibly. Thanks!
I'm not sure that I would have anything that your looking for... Can you pm me some items your in search for...?
Unfortunately... I have no ES Chips to do these trades... I'm Sorry... but if any body wants to trade for cash I am willing... Also would like to know the going rate on these at present...?
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