Found Entry Level Microstakes Set with .05 chips (1 Viewer)

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Sitting Out
Sep 27, 2018
Reaction score
Hey all,

I am in search of a 6-10 person (400-700 chips) .05/.10 set. Majestic, Pharaohs, Milanos and even some ceramic options would be great (open to just about anything from china clays, low end ceramics, and metal slug inset chips, in my price range).

I would like the condition to be decent, but I am also trying to keep the set affordable ($200 max for a used set)

This is the perfect time to unload your old starter set that is gathering dust in your closest and sell it to someone who will give it a loving home!
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Had a few options but they ended up not being an ideal fit, so bumping this once again!
In about a month, I'm going to have about 800 Cleveland Horseshoes (custom 200x5c, custom 300x25c, 200x$1, 100x$5). Probably out of your price range, but price ranges change...
In about a month, I'm going to have about 800 Cleveland Horseshoes (custom 200x5c, custom 300x25c, 200x$1, 100x$5). Probably out of your price range, but price ranges change...
what do the 25cent chips look like
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