Wanted ES Tourney Set (1 Viewer)

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The AS hotstamp ones are also very nice. You might like that set too. Very vibrant colours from the photos I’ve seen.
The AS hotstamp ones are also very nice. You might like that set too. Very vibrant colours from the photos I’ve seen.

Have my eye on those two. If I were to compare them to the ES’s, probably second fav. Personally I think the AS Hotstamps are even nicer than the regular AS chips. Colors are wayyyyyy better.
Proves my point about these trumping the shiznit out of AS’s. Just needed another post to reassure me of that statement.
The AS set plays so much better, though. The ES set looks great on the shelf, but is a bit busy on the felt.
Hey, what about the 1Ks? Unfortunately I don't have more of these beauties...
The AS set plays so much better, though. The ES set looks great on the shelf, but is a bit busy on the felt.

You mean in terms of “too much going on” when lots are in? Could be. All probably boils down to personal preference.
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