Found EU: Paper chip box - Warneke / Paulson (1 Viewer)

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Two Pair
Jan 7, 2019
Reaction score
Vienna, Austria

I'd like to have one Paulson or Warneke paper chip box as seen in the 2017 and the open 2019 group buy.

My goal is to find someone in Europe to produce these as it would save massively on shipping costs. First offers are looking good and the price should be very comparable to the Warneke group buy.
Happy to help if you need it... I have one of each, but I understand you're looking for European sources first! :tup:
I might be able to help, but shipping from Norway is still quite expensive. Let me know if you can't find someone a bit closer.
Thank you for your offer, Marius, I might just take you up on it in case nothing turns up.

I would pay for shipping and handling and of course I hope I can then offer a closer source to all PCFers.
Guess I'll have to help you out then ;)
PM me your address and I'll send you one of my beloved Paulson boxes.
FWIW, a folded/constructed box will fit in a SFRB. If you just need one, it’s easier to ship the made box than its flattened pieces.

You can the unfold it when you get it and take the flat pieces into your fab shop for measuring/matching.
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