Q: How do I order Horseshoe Southern Indiana (HSI) labels?
To place an order, send a PM to @Gear with the following information:
* Title / subject line: HSI label order for <your name>
* Quantity of labels and quantity of chips: I spend more time clarifying this than anything else. Remember, there are 2 labels needed per chip, unless you are deliberately labelling only one side, or want different artwork on each side.
* Denomination(s): Please be specific. If you want a frac, is that 25c or 50c? (Of course, other denominations are fine as well.)
* Target chip(s) -- This is important not only for determining the size of the label, but also the base color of the chip. Again, please be very clear. Include a picture or a link so there is no ambiguity.
* Type of label (laminated or unlaminated) -- If you are labelling Paulson chips, I need to know whether you are planning to remove the inlays and replace them with labels, or if you just want to label over the existing inlays. Remove-and-replace needs laminated labels, label-over needs unlaminated labels.
* Laminate finish -- If you are doing remove-and-replace, please specify which laminate type you want. (I strongly recommend Smooth for the closest look & feel to the original HSI chips.)
* Inlay size style: Large (RHC) or Small (7/8") -- If you are labelling over the existing inlays, you must tell me which "size style" you want. All of the 39 mm HSI chips are on the RHC mold, which normally has a factory inlay size of about 1-1/16 inch. (I am calling this Large to be unambiguous.) However, the low-denomination HSI chips have 7/8" inlays, which I am calling Small to be unambiguous.
This is a small style inlay:
This is a large style inlay:
Please note, labels for over-labelling are sized to fill the inlay recess when cut. The inlay size style only refers to the inlay artwork relative to the rest of the label.
Also please note, you cannot change the size style when removing & replacing the inlay. (At least not without milling the chip, which is not something I'm offering yet.) If your chip had a small inlay that was removed, you can only replace it with another small-style inlay.
If your target chip is a fluorescent color, the outer ring will not match the chip color exactly. Please see this thread for more details.
* Artwork style: Primary (gradient) or Secondary (shape)
Primary -- this style has a gradient towards the outer edge, but does not have a faux shape.
Secondary -- this style has a faux shape, with a gradient only in the center.
* Shape, if secondary: You must specify which shape you want for secondary-style labels. If you're not sure, I recommend that you pick a shape that isn't used elsewhere in the set of chips you're putting these with. For example if you're labelling the HSI secondary $100 (brown chip, hex) as a 25c to use with other secondary chips, you could use the same hex shape. If you're labelling some other (non-HSI) chip to put with the secondary cash denoms, you could use hub or star, for example.
Here's a list of the shapes on the HSI secondary chips (suggested names):
HSI 25c secondary -- 3-cam
HSI $1 secondary -- deep scallop (also on 1A)
HSI $2.50 secondary -- pointed star
HSI $5 secondary -- compass
HSI $25 secondary -- apple
HSI $100 secondary -- pointed hex
HSI $500 secondary -- wheel
HSI $1000 secondary -- straight cog
HSI $5000 secondary -- scallop
HSI $25,000 secondary -- hub
Please include a link to, or a picture of the shape you want.
* Text color: Black or White. Most of the time this is dictated by the style of the set of chips you're putting these with, and/or the color of the chip being labelled (and therefore its background) but just tell me what you want. Please also note that some chips have black text but grey denominations, i.e. primary $1 and 25c. We can do that too
Example 1:
"HSI label order for Gear"
200 x Horseshoe Southern Indiana 25¢ labels (for 100 chips)
Target chip: HSI $100 secondary, Paulson RHC
Label type: unlaminated / label-over
Size style: Large (RHC)
Text color: White
Artwork style: Secondary (faux shape)
Shape: hub (same as JACK Detroit $25)
Example 2:
"HSI label order for Gear"
400 x Horseshoe Southern Indiana 25¢ labels (for 200 chips)
Target chip: HSI primary $500, Paulson RHC
Label type: laminated / inlay replacement
Laminate type: Smooth
Artwork style: Secondary (faux shape)
Shape: deep scallop (same as HSI $1 secondary)
Text color: White
The short version!
* Denom
* Qty: labels and chips
* Target chip
* Type: label-over or remove/replace
* Laminate type (if remove/replace)
* Inlay size style (if label-over): Large or Small
* Artwork style: Primary (gradient) or Secondary (shaped)
* Shape (if secondary)
* Text color
Please realize that I am not doing this to make things difficult. Quite the opposite -- I am requesting your care & attention to help make things easier for everyone, which has the added benefit of making things faster for everyone!
To place an order, send a PM to @Gear with the following information:
* Title / subject line: HSI label order for <your name>
* Quantity of labels and quantity of chips: I spend more time clarifying this than anything else. Remember, there are 2 labels needed per chip, unless you are deliberately labelling only one side, or want different artwork on each side.
* Denomination(s): Please be specific. If you want a frac, is that 25c or 50c? (Of course, other denominations are fine as well.)
* Target chip(s) -- This is important not only for determining the size of the label, but also the base color of the chip. Again, please be very clear. Include a picture or a link so there is no ambiguity.
* Type of label (laminated or unlaminated) -- If you are labelling Paulson chips, I need to know whether you are planning to remove the inlays and replace them with labels, or if you just want to label over the existing inlays. Remove-and-replace needs laminated labels, label-over needs unlaminated labels.
* Laminate finish -- If you are doing remove-and-replace, please specify which laminate type you want. (I strongly recommend Smooth for the closest look & feel to the original HSI chips.)
* Inlay size style: Large (RHC) or Small (7/8") -- If you are labelling over the existing inlays, you must tell me which "size style" you want. All of the 39 mm HSI chips are on the RHC mold, which normally has a factory inlay size of about 1-1/16 inch. (I am calling this Large to be unambiguous.) However, the low-denomination HSI chips have 7/8" inlays, which I am calling Small to be unambiguous.
This is a small style inlay:
Please note, labels for over-labelling are sized to fill the inlay recess when cut. The inlay size style only refers to the inlay artwork relative to the rest of the label.
Also please note, you cannot change the size style when removing & replacing the inlay. (At least not without milling the chip, which is not something I'm offering yet.) If your chip had a small inlay that was removed, you can only replace it with another small-style inlay.
If your target chip is a fluorescent color, the outer ring will not match the chip color exactly. Please see this thread for more details.
* Artwork style: Primary (gradient) or Secondary (shape)
Primary -- this style has a gradient towards the outer edge, but does not have a faux shape.
Secondary -- this style has a faux shape, with a gradient only in the center.
* Shape, if secondary: You must specify which shape you want for secondary-style labels. If you're not sure, I recommend that you pick a shape that isn't used elsewhere in the set of chips you're putting these with. For example if you're labelling the HSI secondary $100 (brown chip, hex) as a 25c to use with other secondary chips, you could use the same hex shape. If you're labelling some other (non-HSI) chip to put with the secondary cash denoms, you could use hub or star, for example.
Here's a list of the shapes on the HSI secondary chips (suggested names):
HSI 25c secondary -- 3-cam
HSI $1 secondary -- deep scallop (also on 1A)
HSI $2.50 secondary -- pointed star
HSI $5 secondary -- compass
HSI $25 secondary -- apple
HSI $100 secondary -- pointed hex
HSI $500 secondary -- wheel
HSI $1000 secondary -- straight cog
HSI $5000 secondary -- scallop
HSI $25,000 secondary -- hub
Please include a link to, or a picture of the shape you want.
* Text color: Black or White. Most of the time this is dictated by the style of the set of chips you're putting these with, and/or the color of the chip being labelled (and therefore its background) but just tell me what you want. Please also note that some chips have black text but grey denominations, i.e. primary $1 and 25c. We can do that too
Example 1:
"HSI label order for Gear"
200 x Horseshoe Southern Indiana 25¢ labels (for 100 chips)
Target chip: HSI $100 secondary, Paulson RHC
Label type: unlaminated / label-over
Size style: Large (RHC)
Text color: White
Artwork style: Secondary (faux shape)
Shape: hub (same as JACK Detroit $25)
Example 2:
"HSI label order for Gear"
400 x Horseshoe Southern Indiana 25¢ labels (for 200 chips)
Target chip: HSI primary $500, Paulson RHC
Label type: laminated / inlay replacement
Laminate type: Smooth
Artwork style: Secondary (faux shape)
Shape: deep scallop (same as HSI $1 secondary)
Text color: White
The short version!
* Denom
* Qty: labels and chips
* Target chip
* Type: label-over or remove/replace
* Laminate type (if remove/replace)
* Inlay size style (if label-over): Large or Small
* Artwork style: Primary (gradient) or Secondary (shaped)
* Shape (if secondary)
* Text color
Please realize that I am not doing this to make things difficult. Quite the opposite -- I am requesting your care & attention to help make things easier for everyone, which has the added benefit of making things faster for everyone!
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