For Sale Farewell Sale - Epic Chips - Paulson THCs, TRKs, Authentic Rounders, & More (1 Viewer)

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Straight Flush
Dec 21, 2015
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
162   0   0
As I recently mentioned, I've decided to step away from the hobby for a while to focus on spending time with my new baby girl. I don't know if or when I'll be back, so I've decided to let some of my chips go.

This is not a 'dibs' listing. If I purchased any of these chips from you, you will have first dibs at getting them back if you want them. Otherwise, people I have traded with in the past will have priority based on prior dealings.

This post has been updated to reflect sales to date. If you are interested in any of the remaining chips, you can reach me via email on the domain with the same username that I have here. I'm not sure when I'll be logged back in here again, so I may not see PMs.

Overland Hotel TRK $25s x 64 - $950 + shipping

7 haven't been cleaned yet, 57 have


The Grove Bud Jones CICs - $100 per rack + shipping
I have a few racks of these


*** SOLD CHIPS ***

1 barrel of AS $20s - $200 + shipping


1 barrel of AS $100s - $180 + shipping


100x Cherry Picked Paris $1s - Price is $300 + shipping

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100x Le Cove 50¢ chips - $425 + shipping

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1 Authentic Rounders $100 Movie Prop Chip - $175 + shipping

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Pick Hobson's Riverside TRKs
200x $5s
100x $25s (yes, I finally decided to finish oiling them all)
20x $100s

Price is $1100 + shipping (these would be about $1350 from Spinettis)

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Ambassador Plaza $500s - 1 barrel - Cancelled


Casino Sadsh Bud Jones CIC $20s x103 = Cancelled


2 racks of PCA secondary fracs - $375 per rack + shipping

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Costa Rica 500s, "DG Yellow" chips. Very bright color! - $250 per rack + shipping - CANCELLED
I have 210 of these

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GLWS and long healthy life to your baby

I really like your concept of giving priority to those who sold you these sets, it is something I always had in mind so it gives a second chance for seller's remorse :)
Sure are a lot of fantastic chips here!
Those Pick Hobson $5s are just electric! And I've lusted after those Le Cove fracs forever.

Really nice sale Travis. Someone is going to be getting some fantastic additions to their collection with these chips!
OP has been updated to reflect sales. If you are interested in any of the remaining chips, you can reach me via email on the domain with the same username that I have here. I'm not sure when I'll be logged back in here again, so I may not see PMs.
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