First chip set help (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jun 5, 2024
Reaction score
ontario canada
Hello PCF,

I am looking to get my first set of chips and was hoping to get some input from more experienced people to help my decision.

The chips would be for a 2/5 home game that plays 8 handed. I want something that is very high quality to last me a lifetime that has a nice weight to them and sound crisp when shuffling.

My poker room has a very retro, 90's arcade vibe and I want something that fits that style. So far the Tiger Palace chips here on PCF were the closest to the style I'm looking for. Anybody know where I can buy these or have any other suggestions for another set with similar color style?

I am also debating between making a custom order. Anybody have any companies they recommend that can make a custom logo? I have attached a photo below of what I was thinking.

For breakdown I was thinking for a total of 760 chips and $19100:
100 x $1
500 x $5
100 x $25

Would this be enough and the correct breakdown or should I switch this up?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you :)

kid gohan.png

What's your budget?
Tiger chips will be very expensive. Here's a recent sale of a rack of fives to give you an idea:

You can only get those buying from other pcfers through the classifieds here.

If compression molded clays are what you want, there are exactly one manufacturer that can help you out with a custom set: (highly recommended, but do get samples to see for yourself)

You can also get Paulson chips (like the Tigers) and have your own custom labels designed and either to an inlay replacement or overlabel them.

If clays are not in your budget there are some very nice ceramic options with either custom printing or hybrids using labels. Starts at like 50c/chip.

Breakdown looks decent. I think 500 of the $5-chips are too many while others would say it isn't enough. 19k bank sounds like it could be broken playing 2/5 depending on how your game plays. I would do 300 $5s, another $25-rack, a full $100-rack and some more $500s. Even if unnecessary right now, it will be a nice future proofing.
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If the blinds are 2/5 are people buying in for 1000? with an avg of 3 buy ins? so 3000 per player at 8 players means your bank should be 24k.

Are you taking a rake?

w/o a rake I would do

1 x 100
5 x 600
25 x 400
100 x 100

Here's one of my sets, though it wouldn't really be large enough to cover your game.

I like having at least ten max buy-ins per player worth of chips in my bank. So for 2-5, I’m guessing about 1k max, times 10, times 8 players comes out to 80k. I know that’s overkill for some, but I find that I’d much prefer to have it and not need it than tell a person they can’t buy into a juicy game.

That being said, if it was totally up to me, I’d do at least:

100x $1
300x $5
300x $25
200x $100
100x $500

Personally I’d add a rack or two more of $5’s and maybe $25’s, but this is a pretty future proof set.

As for the actual chips themselves, that’s up to you and your budget. A couple comments already gave you some great options, but it’s so tough because there’s so many options…get some samples and don’t be in a big rush. The more you learn, the more you’ll figure out exactly what you want and don’t want :)

Enjoy the journey!! :)

What's your budget?
Tiger chips will be very expensive. Here's a recent sale of a rack of fives to give you an idea:

You can only get those buying from other pcfers through the classifieds here.

If compression molded clays are what you want, there are exactly one manufacturer that can help you out with a custom set: (highly recommended, but do get samples to see for yourself)

You can also get Paulson chips (like the Tigers) and have your own custom labels designed and either to an inlay replacement or overlabel them.

If clays are not in your budget there are some very nice ceramic options with either custom printing or hybrids using labels. Starts at like 50c/chip.

Breakdown looks decent. I think 500 of the $5-chips are too many while others would say it isn't enough. 19k bank sounds like it could be broken playing 2/5 depending on how your game plays. I would do 300 $5s, another $25-rack, a full $100-rack and some more $500s. Even if unnecessary right now, it will be a nice future prI

Thank you for your input!
My budget I was hoping to spend is around $2000. Does this seem reasonable or should I expect to spend more?
If the blinds are 2/5 are people buying in for 1000? with an avg of 3 buy ins? so 3000 per player at 8 players means your bank should be 24k.

Are you taking a rake?

w/o a rake I would do

1 x 100
5 x 600
25 x 400
100 x 100

Here's one of my sets, though it wouldn't really be large enough to cover your game.

Beautiful set!
Most people buy in for 500, a few like to do 1k. Game is not raked.
The most we've ever had on the table was like 15k so I think having 20k should be safe

I like having at least ten max buy-ins per player worth of chips in my bank. So for 2-5, I’m guessing about 1k max, times 10, times 8 players comes out to 80k. I know that’s overkill for some, but I find that I’d much prefer to have it and not need it than tell a person they can’t buy into a juicy game.

That being said, if it was totally up to me, I’d do at least:

100x $1
300x $5
300x $25
200x $100
100x $500

Personally I’d add a rack or two more of $5’s and maybe $25’s, but this is a pretty future proof set.

As for the actual chips themselves, that’s up to you and your budget. A couple comments already gave you some great options, but it’s so tough because there’s so many options…get some samples and don’t be in a big rush. The more you learn, the more you’ll figure out exactly what you want and don’t want :)

Enjoy the journey!! :)
Thank you for the input :)
Hopefully one day I can play a juicy game with 80k on the table :P
We usually buy in for 500-1k and only play for 5-6 hours so never gets too crazy deep
May be a good idea to buy a little extra just incase though
Thank you for your input!
My budget I was hoping to spend is around $2000. Does this seem reasonable or should I expect to spend more?
If you want Tigers the answer is most definitely, between double and triple at least.
CPC you can get from around $2/chips up to Tiger money+ depending on how complicated edge spots your design uses.
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The most we've ever had on the table was like 15k so I think having 20k should be safe
Plan for way more than just right now. You said it's a set for a lifetime and if nothing else, inflation will increase the size of your game eventually.
My budget I was hoping to spend is around $2000.
Tiger is not within that budget, unless your group can play 2/5 with> 200 chips in total :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

CPC should average about $3 including shipping depending on your edgespot level so u likely have to increase budget to around $2500 for 800 chips set (u can get by with $2k for lower edgespot level but I will suggest going with the edgespot that you like more )

But then I usually don't recommend people to go CPC for their first set just because they are bound to make mistakes and regret it down the route.

CPC don't usually resale well in the market unlike most Paulson set.

Getting samples first before pulling the plug, ceramic is the cheapest route available for custom set but not everyone like ceremic.

For breakdown I was thinking for a total of 760 chips and $19100:
100 x $1
500 x $5
100 x $25

If I am only going to get 760 chips, I am not spending 2/3 of the chips just in one denomination. And from personal experience, your game will benefit from more $25 instead.

The following breakdown should serve your game better.
$1 x 100
$5 x 300
$25 x 200
$100 x 100
$500 x 60-100

If you can, I will add another rack of $5 / $25 in addition of the above breakdown too.
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$2k would be enough for a decent CPC set as long as you don't get too crazy with the edge spots. Only downside is production can take months to over a year depending on the mold. A custom ceramic set would be well inside your budget and much quicker. Good luck!
Thank you for your input!
My budget I was hoping to spend is around $2000. Does this seem reasonable or should I expect to spend more?
I think 2k is a decent budget, however this would be enough for lower end chips, not custom clays or bright THC Paulson. You might be able to get a RHC Paulson set, if you watch the classified ads closely.

I would suggest you follow the New Member link in my signature (landscape on mobile) to learn more about chips.

First you should look for samples so you know what you're getting into; If you up your budget to 3500 - 4000 you can get into a custom set w/ around level 4 inserts.

2k for ceramic chips from BRPro, and less from TINA or CCs. go read the link all the lingo will start to make since soon. also we do have a Glossary...
I think you have a tad more $5 than absolutely needed but too few $25. Don't get me wrong, mountains of chips might be great to have, but not if they cost an arm and a leg.

Calculate your total bank first. What would be the total amount on the table at the end of your biggest night? Things generally flow into place from there.
I like your general feel of having lots of $5. You could/should add a bit more $25, but it is also super easy to add more bank by just switching a barrel of chips to $500s. So, maybe do 100 less $5, but add 80 $25s and 20 $500s? This stays pretty close to where you're at but beefs up the bank.

The nice thing with CPC custom chips is they will save your design and you can always add on more at a future date, so you don't have to buy all at once and have a chance to add/adjust as you go that way.
If the blinds are 2/5 are people buying in for 1000? with an avg of 3 buy ins? so 3000 per player at 8 players means your bank should be 24k.

Are you taking a rake?

w/o a rake I would do

1 x 100
5 x 600
25 x 400
100 x 100

Here's one of my sets, though it wouldn't really be large enough to cover your game.

Holy dynamo Batman that’s a nice set of chips!

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