Wanted Fitzgerald Roulettes (2 Viewers)

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Sitting Out
Feb 18, 2017
Reaction score
Hey all! I’m looking for some Fitzgerald Roulettes. I had to sell mine a couple years ago to pay for a big move booooooooo.

What do you have? Ideally I’m looking for four different colors with at least 160 chips of each color. And I would prefer them with the roulette mold. Open to what you have though.

Let me know if anyone has anything available.

Thanks chippers!
I saw a guy on Facebook that has 500 Fitzgerald's roulettes in 5 different colours (100 of each). I think he wanted $450 for them. They weren't roulette mold, but they were THC mold. Try doing a search field for "Casino Memorabilia" and I think you'll find his business FB page.

I know a guy in Florida who has defunked Big Easy (casino boat) roulette chips on the Roulette mold, lots of different colours, likely in quantities you need, but he might want you to buy In slightly larger quantity than 160 and/or more than 4 colours. PM me and I can forward you a link or an e-mail and see if you can make a deal.
I've got some pink and yellow on the roulette mold if your interested. PM sent.
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