Wanted Flamingos anyone? Casino Miami $25's desired!!! (1 Viewer)

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3 of a Kind
Oct 12, 2018
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Who has jusssssst 8 of these guys for me??

Love this guy lol...by the way, officially known as "Casino Miami"!

Please PM with availability!


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Not what I expected from the title. ;)

You may want to add Casino Miami to the the title. If someone does have some of these I doubt they will open this thread....unless they have Flamingo Casino chips to sell
Not what I expected from the title. ;)

You may want to add Casino Miami to the the title. If someone does have some of these I doubt they will open this thread....unless they have Flamingo Casino chips to sell
Under advisement...I kind of thought I'd get MORE people looking at it by not included Casino Miami in the title...but you make a good point...perhaps I'd get more this way, but not the right people.

Hmmm, I will take a look, but if I have any, it would only be a sample or two. I've always kinda wanted a set of those. They're so fun!
Hmmm, I will take a look, but if I have any, it would only be a sample or two. I've always kinda wanted a set of those. They're so fun!
I accidentally stumbled upon them on eBay while looking for spotted birds...I fell in love with them and was actually able to snag 72 of them! I don't really 'need' more, but you know how it goes with incomplete barrels! :banghead:

I'd be interested in any chips from this casino (that have that bird on them) that you might have! Thanks, Mel...
there were a few racks on eBay for a while in 2016/2017 I think.. I assume they sold
Think the seller was one that people had some problems with..

contact him at your own risk :cautious:
'preciate the heads up...I just grabbed 72 of them on eBay, from seller primobricks....was neither the best nor worst packaging job I've seen...the chippies weren't expected to be mint but were in really great condition, regardless....I was overall happy with the entire transaction though...
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